To lead with Love, truth-seeking and the pursuit of equity: 3. Ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions
Rick Botelho
Unite Equity Muses | Ask ethical questions about co-designing a fair-free-flourishing future
This 4-part poem series (work-in-progress) is written in the Gandhi, Mandela and MLK spirit of?#LeadWithLove.
Read poem 1: Explore dimensions and boundaries
Read poem 2: Explore values and virtues
Ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions (#BHAQs)
Imagine a near-death experience
Time grinds to a halt, a 30-second movie
What images of love flash through your mind?
But why wait for death?
Wake up to answer soul-searching questions about Love.
What masked questions about love and Love
Are still trapped inside of you
In your heart, mind, body and soul?
And what about love literacy?
How do you define love?
How do you speak of love?
What is your language of love?
And what's your love song?
And your love without words
And what's your music love?
And will you write a new song
About Love and love?
And compose new music?
And how will you let Love
Be the art and craft of your life?
But why is love almost a taboo?
Like a corked bottle floating at sea
Why do you not speak of love?
Like being trapped in silent prayer
What holds you back?
Like feet stuck in mud
Do you feel unloved?
Like a shriveled dry prune
Do you need more love?
Like a sponge in a drought
Do you feel unworthy of love?
Like a neglected child
How well do you love yourself?
And how well do you love others?
What are your unspoken loves?
What are your moments of love?
What does love mean to you?
How do you cope with the pains of love
And of being unloved, isolated, alone
And what about love for the pain?
And what about the love of masculine and feminine powers?
How will divine feminine powers unite
With the dignified masculine power?
How will divine masculine powers unite
With the dignified feminine power?
How can men become allies to women
And women become allies to men?
How can men become allies to men?
And women become allies to women?
And all the rainbows in between
What about our loves for individual values
To life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
And what about our Love for social virtues
The trifecta of equanimity
To Love, truth-seeking and the pursuit of equity?
What were your most profound experiences of Love?
And what did you learn from love and Love?
Which questions speak deep inside of you, and why?
What will you do to inspire Love?
And how will you lead with Love?
How will you elevate Love in communion with all?
And what about love of God
And the God of Love?
How can we all muse about divine Love
Within learning communities
To co-elevate our humanity
Harmonize virtues and values
Co-design a thriving future
Equitable, regenerative, sustainable
And how can we exponentiate Love, network power
And distributive leadership to benefit all?
Read the next poem: Respond with Equanimity
To Love, truth-seeking and the pursuit of equity
Read #EquityMoonshot blog series:?why do we have a global leadership crisis?
If inspired, make a comment below and share Love.
And invite others to comment on your comments.