BEYOND WORDS; Success is an everyday mastery

BEYOND WORDS; Success is an everyday mastery

Yesterday, I sat and enjoyed a very Interesting Panel Session. At the end, I was left pondering on very salient insights that was passed across as profound wisdom was shared by Speakers.

As a Knowledge Facilitator myself, One important thing which I have always tried to do whenever I listen to really great conversations is ask myself simple and important questions?

1. Does it bore me, or does it excite me? I really don't know how to pretend listening to a great extent conversations that do not cause a stir in my mind or challenge my beliefs, at different points in life we need to constantly seek to learn new things, as well as Unlearn old knowledge.

2. What Value does it add to me? The ability to Influence people through words can be very much underestimated. we pick up, identity, morals and beliefs through words and the channel which they were communicated though. So therefore, as much as positive filter through conversations that have been said and stick to what actually belongs to you.

3. What do I bring to the table? As I listen to these words I constantly take notes of the immediate things I need to do or at least stop doing for me to achieve the desired expectation.

One of the Important things discussed was on Setting Goals and Priorities for the Year. Of course over the years, it has very much become a stale topic for discussion for various reasons and for different kinds of people depending on what stage you are in your Growth Journey. Whatever the stage we find ourselves, we all need to take stock of how far we have come and how much we may or may not have achieved during the course of our lives. Here was what I captured during this Interaction.

1. Your Goals cannot be many and should only be done after a holistic view of your life in a proper context of your year review.

Too many people are too busy in a competition against the world and have lost themselves in the process. Whenever you define your priorities after the aspirations of others, you at best become a rubber stamp photocopy of the original. and no matter how hard they try such a person would always feel inferior to the Original. So set out Goals and priorities for yourself, be honest and sincere, you know exactly where the shoe pinches, solve the problems don't go around taking relief drugs for other peoples ailments.

2. Carrying out your Goals & Objectives means building formidable habits that become systems and support to achieve those goals.

It was James Clear who made the statement that "we never rise to the level of our Goals, but fall rather to the level of our systems". A system is telling yourself and others that you need help to achieve these things, take for example you would love to read 1 book monthly and 12 books this year, this is just a goal, all by yourself if you have never read a book in a year prior to setting this goal, it may become unrealistic. However a system built amongst other readers either in a community calling for a Monthly review at a particular date would ensure accountability and support that would enable you read 12 books by December.

3. Motivation can Overestimated. You don't need motivation to get your Job done, you simply need to show up.

Here's a quick example when I was in primary school I remember too many times often I never liked going to school when there was a heavy downpour as I disliked the cold weather and would rather just lay in my bed. But of course growing up with the kind of parents I had was no easy thing, because there was absolutely no room for complacency. Because there was a system in my life that ensured I didn't miss school and by extension couldn't miss classes, and always reading for exams at the end of the term I was always one of the best graduating students every year I even made distinctions in courses I never really liked.

Real Achievers in any discipline or field always position themselves to achieve their goals regardless of how motivated they feel or not.

4. Willpower Power is the Fuel & Energy you have been lacking.

Here is the Catch I have never met a leader, mentor or top performer who thought they could fail at achieving their Goals before embarking on them. This may sound like common sense to you right, until you actually ask yourself if you really believe that you could pull off a New Year Resolution of 20 Goals or a 10 page diary sheet of things you want to Change and improve on every Year. Sounds silly right. even more interesting is coming up with a fuzzy financial Goal of making 1billion dollars having absolutely no plan and system in place especially if you haven't made your first Million yet.

So the Question here is this, are you maximizing your willpower? and are you able to channel your attention and energy to the tasks that matters. Leveraging the popular pareto principle, focusing your energy and time on 20% of the activities that amplifies 80% of work done.

Having Understood all of these to be very Important and Vital for success, one simple reality we may have to grapple with is that we may still fall short of our intended Goals despite being prepared for the Journey. This may be down to factors out of our direct control, maybe sickness, and unexpected loss of an opportunity

Giving yourself room for the Unexpected and learning how to forgive yourself when you loose track of discipline and consistency can very much propel you to a higher level through Grit and Intense Focus.

As we Ultimately go further into the Year, it is my utmost desire to see more people surpasses Goals and expectations, the necessary adjustments that needs to be made should be made and it definitely goes beyond Just words just as written by renowned speaker and writer John C. Maxwell "Make everyday Count"


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