Beyond the Wall - 58,307
J. Todd Pierce
Strategic leader counseling on Complex Property Risks & Resiliency Portfolios | Energy, Renewables, Power Gen Risks | Construction & Builders' Risk Projects | Captives & Alternative Risk Operational Optimization
On this day after Memorial Day, we as a Nation were reminded of the great sacrifices many men and women gave serving and losing their life for the rest of us collectively referred to as the United States of America. Many wars and conflicts later, we pause for a day to pay our respects, love on their parents, spouses, siblings, and orphaned children in early May.
Against this occasion, I want to highlight an organization that is taking what you know as “The Wall” to a whole new interactive level. I am partial to Vietnam Veterans as my father served in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne, 173rd Division and was killed in action on February 22, 1969. A highly decorated veteran, it only softens the heart to know he gave all like so many others before and after.
But today it’s about the ambitious program the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund has to build a new interactive education center dedicated to every one of the soldiers that served, killed in action, remain missing in action, or succumbed later to injuries and/or diseases associated to their tour.
“When VVMF built The Wall in 1982, it had an important mission: To honor Vietnam Veterans and heal the wounds of a nation. Three decades later, the mission continues as we raise funds to build the Education Center at The Wall. The Education Center will educate future generations and honor America's Legacy of Service, including those serving in our nation's Armed Forces today.”
Those that returned home from tour only found turmoil and chaos. Many of these heroes like Mike Sharp were forever in bond with their fellow soldiers and our Country. Mike was a U.S. Army veteran who flew helicopters, Hueys and Cobras, in Vietnam fulfilling a 20 year highly decorated career. Ask any soldier about how a Huey pilot who saved many from the battlefield you’ll be tearing up quick. In early 2014, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and within the year he sadly passed. There are many hero’s like Mike that we cannot forgot and should add to the future Wall Memorial as a thank you memorializing their service, personal story, and acts of heroism for future generations.
The Wall name count has now reached 58,307 engravings on the granite in Washington D.C. originally built by The Veterans Vietnams Memorial Fund. The purposed new building will take the names off the Wall and turn them into interactive digital stories while showcasing many of the personal objects that have been left at The Wall. I encourage you to look at the website and the video about the new facility as I believe you’ll be amazed and moved.
My soap box challenge is for you to stop and reflect back on The Wall, the soldiers - men and woman of the Vietnam War. Our Nation lacked compassion in the 70’s for these soldiers and their families, they have long deserved better and shall never be forgotten!
Of course to complete this project it takes individual contributions so if you feel moved please make a donation and let’s make it happen together! Share forward the story as this project is important to our Nation’s history giving future generations the opportunity to meet each of the men and women of the Vietnam War.
From the Soapbox,
J. Todd Pierce