Beyond Visibility: How to Effectively Hide SharePoint Lists in PowerApps
Anurag Porwal
Freelance?? + SharePoint and Power Platform Developer @ HCLTech with expertise in Power Apps, Power BI, and Microsoft 365 tools.
In this article, we are going to discusses methods for hiding SharePoint lists when building PowerApps. Users often have access to the underlying SharePoint data source, which can lead to them discovering lists directly if they poke around.
Key Points:
- Users can easily find SharePoint lists if they have access.
- The focus is on making it harder for users to discover these lists.
Step By Step Solution
Step #1 First, create a Manually Triggered Power Automate Flow.
Step #2 Add “Sent an HTTP request to SharePoint” action
We will run this flow to all list that are present in site, this step will get the all the list like List Title etc.
Method: GET
Uri: _api/web/lists
Step #3 Filter the JSON result from above HTTPS result
The provided JSON results include various types of list templates, such as Document Libraries, Custom Lists, Contacts, and Calendars. To focus specifically on Custom Lists, we will implement a filter to ensure that only Custom Lists are hidden.
For Custom Lists the value of BaseTemplate is 100.
List Template Types in SharePoint define the structure and behavior of different types of lists that can be created. Each type corresponds to a specific template that dictates what columns, views, and functionalities are included.
Below is the article on different type of List Template type -
From: body('Get_all_the_lists_from_site_-_HTTP_request')?['body']?['d']?['results']
Condition: @equals(item()?['BaseTemplate'], 100)
Step #4 Filter the array result from above
Here, we are excluding all the hidden lists.
condition: @equals(item()?['Hidden'], false)
Step #5 Select the List DisplayName(Title)
Map: {
"ListName": @{item()?['Title']}
Step #6 Next Step is Apply to each
This Apply to each action loop through all the lists are non-hidden in site and hide them from site contents and stop the crawling from search.
Step #6.1 Send HTTPS Request to hide the list and stop crawling from search results
Method: POST
URI: _api/web/lists/getBytitle('@{replace(item()?['ListName'],'''','''''')}')
Header: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"X-HTTP-Method": "MERGE",
"IF-MATCH": "*"
Body: {
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.List"
"Hidden": true,
"NoCrawl": true
By following these steps, you can effectively hide custom SharePoint lists from users in PowerApps. This process not only enhances data security but also streamlines user experience by reducing clutter.