Russo-Ukrainian war operations as of 15th of May 2022
Credit: the new postmark of Ukrainian Post Office

Russo-Ukrainian war operations as of 15th of May 2022


All information in the text was taken from public sources. I have no access to the direct military information, thus any claims below must be taken with care. However, as usual, I try to only publish the proved statements.


The most important events over the past week were the ongoing offensive of the russian terrorist in Luhansk Oblast, the evacuation of all civilians from Azovstal (Mariupol), the culmination of the battle to control the Snake Island, and the successful counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Army north of Kharkiv.

From the strategic perspective the war temporary entered the trench war stage due to the necessity of both armies to regroup and bring more fire power to the front.

Also, see the previous report from 2nd of May 2022.

South Front

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Although a lot of local military actions continue to happen on the wide south front between the Snake Island and the city of Donetsk; the front line remained almost unchanged during the last two weeks. This is primarily related to two factors:

  • both armies focused their effort on the east and north-east parts of the front;
  • after 3 months of non-stop active warfare on the south front, both armies need to regroup and bring more fire power to the front line before taking any next active steps.

Still, there were several important events on the south which might have long-term consequences for the war progress.

Situation in Transnistria

Due to the lack of any significant progress on the frontline the russian terrorists commandment continued to destabilize situation in the temporary occupied territory of Moldova called Transnistria over the past two weeks. They inscenuated a couple of new terrorist attacks in Transnistria (apparently with zero victims) and declared the "total mobilization". However, just prior the mobilization the majority of men population of Transnistria left the terrorist enclave by crossing the bridges over Dnister river towards Moldova. Thus, as of now Transnistria was only able to draft 6'000 personnel, only 1'500 of which have any military experience, others are just conscripts. After that failure, the situation in Transnistria slowly calms down as they are not capable to create any real threat for the Ukrainian Army, not even Moldova, without the sea-based dessant.

Situation in Black Sea

The primary events in the Black Sea were related to the Battle for the Snake Island which have reached its culmination point over the past two weeks. For russians, the total control of the Snake Island is vital in order to prepare an invasion into either the major Ukrainian port city of Odesa or the small state Moldova. Both targets were goals of the initial plan of the russian military commanment. Now their importance have increased due to the decisive defeat of the russian terrorist army in the Battle for Kyiv.

However, in order to have any chance to invade either Odesa or Moldova from the sea, russians need to build a strong anti-air defence, radar and missile base on the Snake Island, especially after the loss of their Black Sea flagship "Moscow". Thus, over the past month the russian fleet tried to transport the mentioned military equipment to the Snake Island using their marine transport ships.

The situation have changed rapidly after the Ukrainian Navy attempted a series of swift attacks onto the Snake Island using Bayraktar TB2 drones and SU-27 aircraft. Over the last two weeks the Ukrainian Navy have destroyed a dozen of russian anti-air, missile, radar, and command equipment, as well as 2 big and several small military vessels on or by the Snake Island. By this, Ukrainians have proved that despite almost no military fleet Ukraine is still able to hold a steady fire control over the Snake Island and prevent any russian attempts to transform it into a military base threating either Odesa or Moldova.

By the end of this week Russians were so scared of the potential of Ukrainian Navy, that they decided to move all their submarines out of the temporary occupied port of Sevastopol on Crimea peninsula. In particular, russians fear that Ukrainian TB2 drones and Neptune missiles are able to destroy submarines while they are loaded or take service in the docks.

Situation near Kherson

There were almost no active warfare near the city of Kherson except for a few more episodes of destroying russian military equipment and personel in Chornobayivka. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Army calmly increases the fire power south of Kryvyi Rih and Mykolayiv, preparing the decisive strike towards Kherson when the right time comes. Likewise, the russian terrorist army also tries to increase their military contingent in the area in an effort to start a new attack towards either Mykolayiv or Kryvyi Rih; so much so that they have established several ponton bridges over the Dnipro river between Kherson and Nova Kakhovka in order to be able to deploy more troops faster.

Situation near Zaporizhzhia

Despite the fierce russian army attacks towards Hulyaipole and Velyka Novosilka, the Ukrainian Army holds strong in these areas; thus the frontline have moved no more than 2-3 kilometers in some local points over the past 2 weeks. Moreover, the Ukrainian guerillas and special operation forces have successfully undertaken several nightly attacks onto the military supply bases near Melitopol and Berdiansk.

Situation in Mariupol

With the help of the United Nations and the Red Cross the Ukrainian government and army personnel were able to evacuate all civilians from the Azovsteel mega-factory in Mariupol. Despite the badly organized operation by these international organizations which had put both Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol and civilians alike at danger (and there were several losses), despite the deportation of some civilians to russian-controlled terrorist enclaves of Donetsk and Luhansk terrorist quasi-states; many of the civilians were able to reach the safe regions of Ukraine. At the moment there are no more civilians inside Azovsteel; and most of them have already reached the Ukrainian territory.

The remaining defenders of Mariupol (the Azov brigade, parts of marine corps, police, border guards, and territorial defence) continue to stay fortified on the territory of Azovsteel. Despite the multitude of daily bomb, missile, and artillery attacks, as well as half a dozen of assault attempts by the russian terrorist army; the Ukrainian defenders still stay strong and continue the resistance. However, with each passing day their situation becomes more and more desperate. Only the timely massive supply of heavy armor and long-range artillery into Ukraine, and the successful military operation to deblockade Mariupol can save their lives. War criminal Vladimir Putin already made it clear that he will not accept the defenders of Mariupol as the prisoners of war alive. Thus only the Ukrainian Army with the timely military supplies from the allies can save them.

East Front

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On the east front the primary battles continue over the Lysychansk - Siverodonetsk aglomeration and the city of Kharkiv:

  • The russian terrorist army continue to push hard on the a small part Luhansk Oblast territory which still remains under the Ukrainian control. They have parted with their over-jealous plan to encircle the entire Ukrainian Army contingent in the Donbass region and now focus on smaller offensives on the easternmost piece of the frontline.
  • The russian offensive from the Izium direction have almost stalled.
  • Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Army have successfully concluded the counter-offensive east and north of the Kharkiv city reaching the Russo-Ukrainian border in some places, and the push continues.

Situation near Donetsk and Horlivka

Over the last two weeks russian terrorist army attempted several attacks on the line Donetsk - Kurahove, and were able to temporary enter an important village of Maryinka at the outskirts of Donetsk. But they were pushed back and the frontline remains unchanged east of Donetsk as of now.

Still, tired of direct attacks on the line Donetsk - Avdiyivka, the russian terrorists attempted to flank the Ukrainian Army defending Avdiyivka and were able to break through the outermost defence lines north of it. As of now, there are fierce battles ongoing over a couple of villages north of Avdiyivka. A simultaneous attack towards the town of New-York was repelled by the Ukrainian Army; russian terrorists were only able to close up by 2-3 kilometers in that direction.

The situation north and east of Horlivka remains stable with no active offensives.

Situation near Lysychansk and Siverodonetsk

This remains the most hot part of the entire east front.

The russian terrorist army was able to fully take control over an important town of Popasna south of Lysychansk. After the town was raised to ground by 3-month long artillery and air strikes, the Ukrainian Army retreated to the next fortification line outside the town, where they can inflict more fire damage to the offending russian troops. Desperate russian generals, not able to take Popasna for so long, employed a disgraceful tactics of marshal Zhukov in WW2: they send packs of cannon fodder directly onto the fortified Ukrainian troops one after another, not caring about the number of losses. This way, over the past 3 months the russian terrorist army have lost a total of around 10-12 batallion groups just in an attack on Popasna.

Using the same tactics, the russian terrorist army slowly encroaches onto the city of Siverodonetsk, aproximately 1-2 kilometers per day. Over the last two weeks they were able to move the front line closer to the city, so that the street fighting started in nearby villages and suburbs. And important town of Rubizhne north of the city is still partially controlled by the Ukrainian Army, despite being destroyed to the ground just like Popasna.

To the west, the russian terrorist army continues to push towards an important town of Lyman - the last Ukrainian Army outpost behind the river of Siversky Donets in the region. Over the past two weeks russians were able to streighten the frontline north of Lyman and also occupy an important village Yampil south of it, taking control over the road and railroad bridges (which were destroyed earlier). From there, the russian army attempted several passings over the Siversky Donets river using ponton bridges. However, every time they suffered major losses of heavy armor vehicles and personnel which simply drawned in the river upon precision strikes of the Ukrainian artillery. The most famous ponton bridge near the village Bilohorivka was destroyed at least 3 times during the last 2 weeks.

In general, the situation near Lysychansk - Siverodonetsk aglomeration remains extremely complex. Still, the Ukrainian Army holds strong thanks to the "roads of life" Bahmut - Siversk and Bahmut - Lysychansk providing a steady supply route.

Situation near Izium

After a rapid offensive of the russian terrorist army a month ago; the situation near Izium have stabilized. There were several non-critical frontline changes west and south of Izium in both directions. A heavy warfare in the region continues as the Izium place of arms as of now contains the biggest russian army contingent numbering around 25'000-35'000 personnel and thousands of armored vehicles. Despite a constant Zhukov-style pressure with herds of cannon-fodder conscripts send into the hell of warfare, russians were not able to do any breakthrough out of Izium during the last two weeks. Only small local advances towards Sviatohirsk and Lyman were achieved; while the Ukrainian Army even managed to take back control of small pieces of land north of the town of Barvinkove.

Situation near Kharkiv

The Ukrainian Army was able to evolve the counter-offensive north and east of Kharkiv during the last two weeks, pushing back the russian terrorists heavily. The most successful attack towards the small town Staryi Saltiv 30 km east of Kharkiv resulted into the rapid push towards the Russo-Ukrainian border. During one night the Ukrainian Army even temporary crossed the border in order to inflict more damage to the retreating russian troops. A total of 20-25 towns and villages north and east of Kharkiv were liberated during this counter-offensive.

As the result, the closest village from where russian terrorists are still able to perform non-selective artillery strikes against civilian buildings in Kharkiv are now situated 12-13 km away from the city border. Some popular bloggers urged to speculate that Kharkiv is now safe from artillery strikes, but that is far from truth. In fact, russian terrorist army is able to perform non-discretionary artillery strikes against the city of Kharkiv even from the russian territory which is just 25 km away from the city outskirts. Thus, the only way to really protect it from artillery strikes would be to push russian terrorist troops at least as far as towards the russian city of Belgorod i.e. deep inside the russian territory; something the Ukrainian Army is not yet capable to perform.

International Front

The most important event over the past two weeks was a pass of the USA led land-lease program for Ukraine worth around $40'000'000'000 in total. In general, the amount and complexity of weapon supplies to Ukraine from primary allies steadily increased over the past two weeks. Unfortunetely, this pace is not yet enough in order to dramatically change the situation on the front: with currently amount of supplies the Ukrainian Army is able to keep the frontline more-or-less stable, but not undertake the full-scale offensive in towards Kherson or Mariupol, both cities long awaiting for the liberation.

Future Predictions

As for the future, many experts predict that the culmination point in the battle for Donbass is near; and a lot of change is expected based on its outcome. However, based on many factors I would not expect any breakthrough to happen within the nearest two weeks. In contrast, as both armies are tired of non-stop warfare and need to regroup, I would rather agree with the other group of experts predicting the stalemate on all fronts at least until June.

  • In the Black Sea (as I predicted before) there was an increasing fight for dominance during the past two weeks. This tendency will prolong into the next two weeks as the russian military commandment will not give up their plans to build a capable military base on the Snake Island and the Ukrainian Navy will continue to use combined arms (combat drones, aircraft, and missiles) to destroy more russian warships and military equipment arriving at the island.
  • On the south front, the situation is expected to be tense but without huge offenses from any side (previous prediction remains). The destruction of russian heavy armor near Chornobayivka will continue. The Ukrainian Army might attempt to push russians away from Kryvyi Rih towards the line Mylove-Snihurivka, though that is unlikely amid the russian attempts to build up a large military contingent in the Kherson - Beryslav place of arms.
  • The Ukrainian plan for the south-east front is quite obvious (as I described a month ago): liberate Enerhodar, then liberate Tokmak and Polohy, possibly also Melitopol, and finally deblockade Mariupol. However, due to the much higher tactical and strategic importance of the battle for Donbass, there is almost no chance that it would be attempted in the coming weeks. Ukrainian allies must increase the supply of heavy armor and artillery in order to make this plan real.
  • As predicted, the russian terrorists army failed to fully occupy Mariupol by the 9th of May (a sacred date for terrorist Vladimir Putin). Thus, the assault of Azovsteel have lost its importance to the russian military ommandment. That does not mean that the bombardment of Azovsteel will stop, or that the life of Mariupol defenders will become easier; but that means that the chances of the Ukrainian heroes to stay alive until the long-awaited deblockade of Mariupol finally happens have increased.
  • As predicted the desperate attempts of the russian army to capture Vuhledar and Huliaypole failed. They failed so much that the russian army will now have hard time to preserve the frontline in this area unmodified. Although I don't expect a full-scale offensive of the Ukrainian Army in this area (due to reasons described above), a local counter-offensive to liberate some villages and prepare a better position for the future deblockade of Mariupol are possible.
  • No major offensives are expected between the line Vuhledar and Popasna. Both sides have built massive strongholds on this frontline during the last 8 years. So that nobody is capable for successful offensives across this line without huge losses. Artillery warfare and local tactical battles are still expected.
  • A shaky situation remains between Popasna and Izium. Russians will attempt to evolve their offensive operation from Popasna and towards Lyman threatening to encircle the Ukrainian military contingent in Lysychansk - Siverodonetsk aglomeration. Also, they will continue direct onto Rubizhne, Siverodonetsk, Slovyansk, and Barvinkove. The situation on this part of the frontline can rapidly change in any direction and depends onto the situation north of Izium.
  • The Ukrainian Army will continue to repell russian terrorists from Kharkiv, potentially clearing the entire border north of the city. After that, the Ukrainian Army will start a buildup for the offensive onto the supply lines of huge russian military contingent in Izium, which may happen at any time soon now (even before June). The Ukrainian Army can select between several appealing targets: Balakliya, Kupyansk, Vovchansk, or straight to Izium. Another good option would be to cross the russian border and take control over the important town Shebekino via a surprise attack. The international community is now prepared for such turnaround, and the Ukrainian Army is already capable of successfully performing such limited local offensives. Controlling Vovchansk (in Ukraine) and Shebekino (in russia) would allow to fortify this whole region making its defence easier and reliably disrupting the russian military supplies to Izium.
  • Russian airforce will continue mass missile attacks deep into the Ukrainian territory. Thus, it is important to receive the never ending anti-air and anti-missile supplies from the western allies.
  • On the diplomatic front, the increase in heavy armor supplies to Ukraine are expected. Potentially, Ukrainian allies may impose the next round of economic sanctions against russia, but more probably they will happen in June.
  • As predicted, russians restored their talks about the nuclear threat before May 9. But it had to calm down after the (adequate) harsh response from the world powers. Hence, the threatening talks about the nuclear terror from russians will be quite rare during the coming weeks - they have lost the reason.
  • More guerilla actions of russian citizens against russian military will happen across the russian territory. They have no chance to lead to any shift in the russian nazi regime policy making, but will evolve over time into more and more severe actions.

In general, the hard times for Ukraine are far from being over, especially on the east and south-east fronts (in particular, the most dire situation is in Mariupol). However, from the military perspective the situation seems to become more favorable to Ukraine, despite an ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Trust the Ukrainian Army! Slava Ukraini!

Volodymyr Khoroz

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Qualcomm Ukraine LLC ????

2 年
Volodymyr Khoroz

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Qualcomm Ukraine LLC ????

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Volodymyr Khoroz

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Qualcomm Ukraine LLC ????

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A detailed report about the Russo-Ukrainian war operations as of 14th of July 2022:

Volodymyr Khoroz

Senior Staff Software Engineer at Qualcomm Ukraine LLC ????

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Senior Staff Software Engineer at Qualcomm Ukraine LLC ????

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