Beyond the Tipping Point! Selling Remotely is Getting Harder
Building Sales Pipelines Remotely?... It just got harder!
It's normal to start the ‘good news-bad news’ adage with the good news first as opposed to bad news. On this occasion I'm breaking with tradition because I do have bad news for those who have dragged their feet as far as prospecting is concerned during lockdown, only to find that actually it was the best time to start building their sales pipelines remotely in the current climate.
If you had the chance to read any of my recent articles between lockdown 23rd March and now. You'll have found that my primary objective was to dispel the idea that shifting from field selling to remote selling had to be handled with 'kid gloves' or worst still, stopped completely in the current climate.
Tactically, the approach I was espousing and still am to a certain degree was to:
1. Move away from a crisis led empathy driven approach in engaging prospects
2. Take a value/comparative value led approach linked to the current climate
In other words; leading with value combined with empathy and not the other way around. This would ignite far more interest in speaking with you on the basis that; at a time when B2B prospects are dealing with business continuity and survival issues they would be more receptive to inspiration versus commiseration.
Furthermore, B2B prospects were adapting to seismic change and ironically more receptive to prospect calls during this period. Prospecting calls contributed to decision makers getting into work mode sooner rather than later, so the average decision maker would paradoxically be more receptive than they would be otherwise, as long as we structured our approach correctly.
Given that Prospects's Crisis Change Curve during lockdown spanned approximately 66 days; 30th May -give or take a few days, possibly a week- would be the 'Tipping Point'. This means there would be a decline in receptivity and an increase in hostility to warm or cold B2B prospecting calls.
In essence we are moving beyond, or have already moved beyond the 'tipping point' depending on when you read this article. Most target decision makers have now adapted to the new norm of working, so from a field salesperson or professional services practitioner's perspective-it just got harder!
Why has it just got harder?
Well, as well as a laser like focus on business continuity and survival issues being at the forefront of your prospects’s minds. Target decision makers are now back into pre- lockdown mode as far as dealing with salespeople is concerned. This means business development professionals will not only need to be prepared to address and indicate how their product, service or solution can add value in the current environment.
They will also need to maximise effectiveness at handling all the other objections and obstacles that they were faced with prior to lockdown including but not limited to: getting more returned calls, getting past gate keepers (most of your target decision makers will now have a system in place for screening calls) and handling voicemail.
The situation is compounded by the fact that, as we slip into a relaxation of Lockdown restrictions (which more than coincidently aligns with the 66 day Prospects's Crisis Change Curve ); more salespeople will feel more comfortable (and compelled by their sales management) to get on the phones and start prospecting. This proliferation of prospecting activity means that target decision makers will now be way more resistant to cold/warm call approaches requesting telephone meetings.
So the bad news is: if you've only just started to rebuild your pipelines remotely you missed a huge opportunity to do it with a lot less hassle!
The good news is that all is not lost. If you prepare effectively by honing your skills to address the new challenges in a measured 'non salesy' way; you’ll differentiate yourself from everyone else out there and represent a breath of fresh air whose calls will be received receptively.
Here are two key skills that you really need to hone in order to ensure you are part of the minority of salespeople whose calls represent a breath of fresh air:
Setting up telephone meetings:
· Timing of approach
· Initial call approach- what are you going to say?
· Benefits derived from your solution in the current environment and beyond
· Gaining commitment to a telephone meeting
· Handling negative responses
· Getting past 'Gate Keepers'
· Handling voicemail
2. Maximising effectiveness on telephone meetings:
· Adjusting your sales approach for a 30 minutes call
· Building commonality
· Positioning: What do you say?
· Key questions
· Indicating how you can add value
· Gaining commitment to a next step of some sort
· Determining if this was a good call or a bad call
Honing these skills is a great place to start, always keeping in mind the difference between field selling and telephone selling as well as factoring in selling online. To go back to my Bad News-Good News adage; don't wait! Get busy honing your skills so that you can change the adage from your perspective to "I've Got Good News and Good News!" enabling you to thrive beyond the tipping point!
Good luck!
Stay healthy, stay safe and happy prospecting!