Beyond Time Management
David Pickard Wyllie
Founder of Growthpoint Organization and TAG Training International
To enter the draw for two complimentary tickets to the TAG one day workshop “Beyond Time Management on the 21st of May like and share the following:
Beyond Time Management
Saturday 21 May - 8h30 to 17h30
Growthpoint Training Centre – Lanseria
To book your place email: [email protected] for an application form.
The workshop is aimed at already successfully self-employed people but the knowledge is applicable to anyone with the courage to actively implement the greatest possibilities of their vision for their future.
There is a magical process running as a default program in the background of our lives. This program, if we will trust and allow it, will enable us to accomplish what we need to do with minimal effort in amazingly short periods of time. It defies logic but is the secret that enables all the world’s super achievers to live wonderful fulfilled lives accomplishing everything that they aspire to.
We have been taught that hard work and flawless planning is the key to success. But the truth is that we only need to work hard when the cause we are implementing is incorrect for the outcome we desire. The Universe works on the law of minimal energy spent for maximum returns.
We have also been taught to be logical and calculated but our logic is very often based on our limited perception: disinformation; social conditioning, ‘truth’ out of context, poorly chosen priorities, etc… The list is endless!
In this insightful one day workshop ‘Beyond Time Management’ I share series of practical tools, Meta physical truths, Quantum mechanical realities and common sense that have transformed the lives of many over the past forty years; resulting in achieving more in one year than what had previously been achieved in their entire business career. For more information visit