Beyond Sharpe
I’ve been reading Andrew Lo ’s In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio, an illuminating survey of the history of academic thought in finance. The chapter on Bill Sharpe is superb – Sharpe comes across as both humble and likeable, slightly baffled even at how ubiquitous his name has become in the world of finance. Lo mentions in passing the work of mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who over the course of a long and brilliantly wide-ranging career sought to question some of the underpinnings of Sharpe’s work.
As a reminder, the Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk adjusted return calculated very simply as the average return of an investment over the risk-free rate divided by the volatility of that investment (measured as standard deviation). A Sharpe above 1 is generally viewed as decent (i.e. you are getting compensated for the risk you are taking).
It’s a conversation that comes up often in conversations with clients: why do we use Sharpe ratios as a measure of risk, when we know that they are imperfect? Mandelbrot highlighted the major issue with discussions of risk in market contexts – that most definitions of risk assume a normal (Gaussian) distribution of returns, while we know that returns are not normally distributed. Below we show a comparison of two portfolios with the same Sharpe ratio, but where one (red) follows a normal distribution and the other (purple) a real-world distribution with heavier tails and negative skew.
Another way of illustrating this problem is to look at drawdown experience. Two funds with the same Sharpe ratio can have wildly different drawdown profiles.
There’s also the problem that Sharpe uses standard deviation: a measure of volatility that includes both positive and negative volatility in its calculation. Upside volatility is usually not something that investors worry too much about – their focus is on drawdowns.
The Sortino ratio, calculated using only downside volatility, addresses this issue around directionality, but still assumes a normal distribution. In order to capture skewness and the shape of tails, you need to employ measures like Expected Tail Loss (ETL) and Stress Loss.? Expected Tail Loss (ETL) (sometimes referred to as Conditional VaR or CvaR) calculates the average of all possible losses given that the specified loss threshold is exceeded.
While ETL is a significant improvement, it still relies on historical data to build its estimates of potential losses, and yet the losses we are worried about didn’t occur in the past – they will occur in the future!
Stress Loss is a qualitative measure of the expected loss in the worst market scenario and so goes some way to addressing this issue. It either uses historical periods of volatility like the 2008 Great Financial Crisis or the 2020 Coronavirus crash, or it submits the portfolio to scenarios that seek to test its resilience to disruptions in liquidity, specific market moves or spikes in consumer or corporate defaults. The problem with Stress Loss is that it is highly subjective and profoundly reliant on the construction and definition of stress scenarios. It also doesn’t convey the likelihood of a loss occurring, just its potential severity.
There are other possible contenders – the Omega ratio, the Calmar ratio, the Sterling ratio, the Burke ratio… All have their benefits and detriments, but none have offered enough insight to supersede the familiarity of Sharpe.
Which sends us back to Sharpe ratios. They are imperfect, but they have become a lingua franca and allow us to compare investments from very different spheres. It feels like there’s a lesson here – that we can spend a long time looking for the perfect answer, but we must not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. It’s important to look beyond Sharpe, but also to recognize that in a fast-moving world, it’s sometimes helpful to have a shorthand for complex ideas.
Founder and CEO of Caplign Wealth. Experienced Finance Professional and Investor
6 个月Very good brief article on risk. As volatility is a inferior measure of risk , what is your preferred method of measuring and quantifying risk properly and tangible Steven Desmyter
KnowRisk Consulting
6 个月I think if you calculate a bunch of those and a few sensible technicals like bollinger, momentum, average and maximum drawdowns., distance from 52 wk high / low or 2,3 Sigma - and treat them as fund characteristics that you feed into a random forrest or xboost algo where you can enumerate the tree and weight nodes - you will get some usable results. Specifically most of those RAPM's are capturing some or other subtle degree of asymmetry that all symmetric Vol based measures like Sharpe ignore. Vol also indifferent to order whilst markets can sometimes be path-dependent ( e.g. Drawdowns )., also momentum and of course serial autocorrelation which is the only way information can travel. The second derivative or deltas of all these measures also important. I strongly believe that asymmetric risk measures often give pre-cursor signals of regime change before the event.
Lecturer EDHEC | Quant Investment Consultant | Coach | Trainer | PhD in finance
6 个月Risk is multi-dimensional, and hence risk adjusted performance measurement is multi-dimensional. The holy grail does not exist, no single measure can be a panacea. Hence, we should halt the pursuit of the “perfect” measure.
Private Wealth Manager | Tailored Investment Strategies & Global Financial Solutions for HNWI's ??
6 个月I agree that Sharpe ratio is not the most suitable risk metric for portfolio optimization. For me better risk metric would include % of rolling 3y returns with negative performance, average or worst drawdown adjusted by the time to recover. I think for investors the worst experience is long periods of underwater performance. Investment success is path dependent.
KnowRisk Consulting
6 个月I found this paper by Cogneau and Hubner very helpful. They looked at 147 Different Risk Adjusted Performance measures (RAPM's) following an influential paper which claimed that Sharpe was all you needed for fund selection. These are the Performance measures that produced the most different rankings from Sharpe, I have used most of them but hardly anyone else does sadly. 1)?????Stutzer-ifl??????? ? - Stutzer Index 2)??????Alpha_mkt_TIM_tm?? ? - Treynor – Mazuy Market Timing Alpha ( similar to upside Alpha in Henrikson – Merton Model ) 3)??????Her_Mert_3_f_gam_rm????- Gamma of Henriskson Merton Model using Fama 3 Factor Style Bmk ( 2&3 Equivalent to upside and downside alpha capture ) 4)??????Stdz_Infor_ratio_4?????????????- Standardised Information Ratio 5)??????Far_Tib_ifl_2x4???????????????????- Farineli-Tibiletti ^2 and ^4 6)??????Alpha_TM_cond_Beta????????- Treynor Mazuy Alpha 7)??????Rv_rf???????????????????????????????????- Rachev Ratio with thresholds of 20% and 5%