It is accepted that the great thinker Norman Vincent Peale first enunciated the concept of positive thinking in the late forties of the last century. It was received with a great enthusiasm and fanfare. Many said that the problems of human motivation would be almost taken care of, if we all use the concept in a right way. It was acclaimed as a master key to all problems. Sixty years down the line, a fresh view is needed. While accepting the basic concept, we have to find whether it really helps a person to find success after he thinks positively. The path to success has various milestones and each of them is significant. Positive thinking is one of the major factors and hence should be studied in details. Last few decades have produced so many motivational experts (with absolute and questionable expertise) who have been very candid about the concept of positive thinking. They have written books, delivered seminars and generally have made every sensible person aware about immense value of positive thinking.

The simplest definition of positive and negative can be: Positive is what you like, while Negative is what you do not like. It may not be always pertinent but can act as a starter for subsequent discussion. There are things which you do not like, yet you know that they are right. What do you think about them?

Are you a positive thinker? Just check it out!

·      Are you confident and self-assured?

·       Is your thinking constructive and productive?

·       When evaluating a situation, do you focus on the brighter side?

·       Do you think in terms accomplishing the task?

·       Do you focus on how things can be done—and make them happen.

We all know that when we feel positive, we feel relaxed and perform better whatever we're doing. Trouble is that always looking for the brighter side of life is easier said than done. However, you would feel better if you know that you do not need any particular skills or to go on any special course.  It is more of conditioning rather than learning some thing new.

In today’s ruthless corporate world, a positive attitude is increasingly one of the most important and foremost weapons for survival. At work such qualities as 'the ability to motivate', 'excellent communication skills', 'able to initiate and manage change' are much in demand. For some, positive thinking comes naturally. The good news for the rest is that, even if it doesn't come naturally, you can learn to be positive. Does positive thinking mean walking around with a fixed grin all day? A truly positive person recognizes the negatives that crop up day to day, but has the skills and attitude to handle them.

A simple smile is the best ever tool of spreading positivity. A very rare person can only resist a smiling colleague. Try smiling without reason somehow it would change the ambience. Positive thinking can be compared to an umbrella. The umbrella cannot stop the rain but it protects us from the rain. Similarly, positive thinking may not always bring us the success, but it gives us the confidence to face all the expected and unexpected challenges.

Nothing much can accomplished if the thinking is not coordinated by suitable positive action. A simple paper cannot be moved by any amount of positive thinking. You have to lift it and place at a new spot..

The process of positive thinking has to be understood.

1.The first part of positive thinking is to think positively. It must be understood that to think in any way you may like usually should take same efforts. Whether you accept or condemn any concept, event, process, person you still would have spent same amount of time. When you see the proverbial glass filled with water what you see? Do you see “Half full or half empty?” Whatever you see is inconsequential if you do not do anything with the water or the glass.

2.      The second part of the process is to talk positively. The rule here is if you can not talk good, shut up. If you think the glass is half empty, keep mum for the sake of those who think that it is half full. The fact that the negatives have a tendency to multiply, that too geometrically, should be at the top of your mind.

3.      The third part is the most important and often forgotten is to act positively. What you do to fill the glass is any times more important than just a comment about its emptiness. Do you have any time-tested method to retrieve the situation or you are going in the post-mortem mode of why the glass has been empty? The most important thing about positive doing is whether you start the retrieval action or wait for some one else to act. They say that ‘lucky’ is the one who gets opportunities, ‘great’ is the one creates opportunities and the ‘winner’ is the one who uses the opportunity in way it should be. So, from ‘getting’ to ‘winning’ the most important step is to act.

The above three things are extremely important in the order given. It is found that any one, if missing, can create a failure. You can think, talk positively but if you do not act in a required manner you ever could turn in to a winning outfit. The major worry noted in the recent years that most of the people have somehow achieved the surface level awareness in the process of positive thinking and they create more problems than the acknowledged cynically negative persons.

One very interesting aspect of the positive thinking is the corporate variety. The rules here are very different. The positive thinking concept has to adjust with another very strong concept which is “The boss is always right”. The emerging conflict is very intense and can be a major factor resulting in the success or failure. There is a tremendous confusion about how to respond when the boss is telling some thing which one does not agree. If you disagree you are straight way branded as the negative and if you agree you feel that you are cheating the organization. Very few bosses are ready for listening to a reasonable dissent. They do ask of the employees for their views on any project or process, but inwardly expect every subordinate to agree with what they have to say. This may be the single largest factor for the unsatisfying scene at the corporate levels. The rule here is to follow whatever your conscience tells you. By agreeing to some thing wrong, you are just delaying the inevitable for a temporary respite.

So, be clear in mind that there is a world beyond positive thinking, which promotes action. No one achieves anything spectacular just by desire. It is a mere starting point, suitable plan and sustained effort must follow the desire. To understand that as any other concept, the positive thinking also has its inherent limitations is very important. To succeed we must remember that it is not enough just to aim at some thing, but we have to hit it…. that too a Bull’s Eye

























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