Beyond Lockdown: Developing a Comprehensive Active Shooter Response Plan

Beyond Lockdown: Developing a Comprehensive Active Shooter Response Plan

Beyond Lockdown: Developing a Comprehensive Active Shooter Response Plan

In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety, the traditional "lockdown" approach to active shooter situations is no longer sufficient. As a security expert with over three decades of experience, I've seen firsthand how a comprehensive, multi-faceted response plan can make the critical difference in saving lives. I’m giving you a step-by-step guide on how to develop a robust active shooter response plan that goes beyond simple lockdown procedures.

  1. Embrace a Holistic Approach

A truly effective plan addresses prevention, response, and recovery:

  • Prevention: Implement threat assessment protocols and foster a culture of reporting concerns.
  • Response: Develop clear, actionable steps for various scenarios.
  • Recovery: Plan for post-incident support and business continuity.

Remember, a comprehensive plan is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort.

  1. Integrate the A.L.I.V.E. Principles

Our A.L.I.V.E. (Assess, Leave, Impede, Violence (as a last resort), Expose) methodology provides a framework for individual response:

  • Assess: Train employees to quickly evaluate their surroundings and options.
  • Leave: Prioritize evacuation when safe to do so.
  • Impede: If evacuation isn't possible, focus on securing immediate surroundings.
  • Violence: As a last resort, prepare to counter the threat.
  • Expose: Safely make yourself known to law enforcement when they arrive.

Incorporate these principles into your overall plan to empower individual decision-making.

  1. Establish Clear Communication Protocols

In crisis situations, clear communication can save lives:

  • Establish, implement, and maintain, at all times and in all work areas, an effective Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) containing specified information and a Violent Incident Log (VIL).
  • Implement a multi-channel emergency notification system.
  • Designate specific roles for communication during an incident.
  • Practice these protocols regularly to ensure smooth execution under pressure.

  1. Collaborate with Local Law Enforcement

Your plan should align with local law enforcement procedures:

  • Invite law enforcement to review and provide input on your plan.
  • Conduct joint drills to familiarize them with your facility layout.
  • Establish a liaison to maintain ongoing communication and updates.

  1. Customize for Your Specific Environment

Every workplace is unique, tailor your plan to address:

  • Specific building layouts and potential vulnerabilities.
  • The nature of your business and any industry-specific risks.
  • The diverse needs of your workforce, including those with disabilities.

  1. Implement Regular Training and Drills

Knowledge alone isn't enough, regular practice is crucial:

  • Conduct various types of drills, from tabletop exercises to full-scale simulations.
  • Vary scenarios to prepare for different situations.
  • Debrief after each drill to identify areas for improvement.

  1. Address Post-Incident Recovery

A comprehensive plan extends beyond the immediate crisis:

  • Develop protocols for accounting for all personnel post-incident.
  • Establish plans for providing mental health support and counseling.
  • Create a business continuity plan to address potential operational disruptions.

  1. Leverage Technology Wisely

Modern technology can enhance your response capabilities:

  • Consider implementing smart lockdown systems.
  • Explore mobile apps for emergency communication and employee check-ins.
  • Utilize security cameras and access control systems strategically.

  1. Foster a Culture of Preparedness

Encourage ongoing awareness and readiness:

  • Regularly discuss safety procedures in team meetings.
  • Encourage employees to report concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • Recognize and reward proactive safety behaviors.


Developing a comprehensive active shooter response plan is a critical step in protecting your most valuable asset, your people. By going beyond basic lockdown procedures and embracing a holistic approach to preparedness, you can create a safer, more resilient workplace.

Remember, the goal is not to instill fear, but to empower your team with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in a crisis. With proper planning, training, and a commitment to ongoing improvement, you can significantly enhance your organization's readiness to face even the most challenging situations.

To learn more about developing a comprehensive active shooter response plan or to explore our A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training program , visit our website or contact us directly.

Stay safe, stay prepared, stay A.L.I.V.E.

#WorkplaceSafety #ActiveShooterPreparedness #SecurityPlanning #ALIVETraining


