Beyond Hypnotherapy. Part 2
Now let’s look at why it is perhaps a more powerful, simple, effective and efficient way to manifest things using the body as opposed to standard hypnosis. Everything that you want to manifest is here right now. You can fully experience and imagine it right now (assuming nothing is blocking it). Everything you wish to manifest is associated with body sensations. It just so happens that these body sensations are comfortable. It might be a feeling of the open chest, a sensation of tingling, a warmth in heart….
It stands to reason therefore that if we want to manifest something abundant, we experience that which we want to manifest as happening already, and then, and this is the key, experience it in the body right now. And when we do this, whole new possibilities open to us.
Not only can we do this to manifest abundance, but we can also do it to manifest changes which we wish to support. To give but one example, after we did the trauma work of healing a client with severe OCD’s fear that if he made a mistake picking up a pencil, something terrible would happen we invited him to feel what it would be like in his body if he was able to do the opposite, which is to pick up the pencil the first time and be done with it. It previously would have taken him about 30 tries to pick up the pencil and was making his life a living hell.
So I just invited him by saying, can you experience in the body what it is like if you were just to pick up the pencil on the first try? He said he could. I had him focus on the good body sensations associated with his intention and he was then able to pick up the pencil. And as far as I know he has been able to do it ever since.
-Andy Hahn
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