Beyond Help
Beyond Payments
Accept payments with ease. Online, in-person, however you prefer to be paid.
Who would have thought in this day and age with online help desks and recorded telephone prompters a business would still employ real people to assist their customers, right here in Australia?
As the market leader for payment processing, we know first-hand that the subject can be quite technical and daunting. That’s why we’re more than happy to take the time to walk you through a tailored solution for your business. Aside from our dedicated customer support team, we also provide all our customers with 24/7, onshore local technical support. It’s an old-fashioned thing called ‘customer service’ and we are confident you’ll find ours beyond belief.
To that end, we are also immensely proud to support charitable organisations such as ChaplainWatch, who are making a difference in the industries we service. Their NightWatch program actively seeks out those whose good times have gone bad. 10% of proceeds from our services sold to businesses operating in nightclub precincts will go towards the ChaplainWatch program.
Because here at Beyond Payments, we want to impact positive change in society and go beyond standard business practices.