Beyond the Candidate Sourcing
Vidoukin Group
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In daily recruitment activities, struggling are raising up from recruiters in the frontline at certain amounts of client portfolios.
Through the top 5 concerns as above, discovering the impact to HR and organizations and co-work out solutions to meet present and future challenges become urgent and necessary.
At before, formulating a healthy workforce planning can maximize the cost-effectiveness but with competition for talent increasing and high pressure of time to fill, business leaders and senior HR strategy management urge an new way of workforce planning to drive dynamic, diversity and talent attraction which cross over functions and industry sectors.
以前,一个健康有效的人力资源配置计划重点在于最大程度提高用工成本的有效性,这些年来,随着人才竞争加剧,招聘时间压力加大,更多的企业高层和HR战略部门将用工成本的有效性 延展到 更加灵活的用工方式,多样性的人力资源结构和跨技能,跨行业的人才吸引策略上。
A practical model of workforce management included: 一个可操作性的人力资源管理模式包含:
Due to time constrains, recruitment teams must take immediately action to response a range of requests from hiring managers, business units and other stakeholders in full recruitment cycle.
Considering an recruitment solution to affect on successful outcome, there are several key points need to be discussed with recruitment team as well as senior management level:
Why "before your recruitment kick-off" 为什么是在招聘工作正式启动之前?
人力资源规划和配置流程展示了人才招聘工作中的路线图,从战略层面契合企业 业务发展目标。
招聘流程的设计和具象化保证在招聘工作中每个环节都具有独特的功能,并能紧密衔接。从岗位说明书的阐述和确认,建立职位体系 职级和职等,薪酬福利水平,用人部门的期望,整个招聘流程的合规性和流畅性,报表等等。
2. Business Level Involvement 业务部门的充分参与和融合
Successful hiring doesn't means recruiter take 100% responsibility for the result. many successful hiring cases show us when hiring manager deeply involving from very beginning in whole process, the effectiveness of process and the engagement of candidates are improved significantly.
成功的招聘并不意味着只有招聘专员对结果负责,相反许多成功招聘的案例显示当用人部门经理从一开始就参与并融合到整个招聘流程中的时候,招聘流程的效率会大大提高,在候选人心目中的 企业的雇主品牌形象也会随着提升。
3. Stakeholder Consensus 利益相关者的共识
In different organizations, stakeholder consensus are very different too at different Eliminating ambiguity by establishing clarity.
Ambiguity may comes from stakeholders who strong functional knowledge but lack of project management discipline. not well-defined requests are one of biggest challenges in implementation of recruitment success.
模糊和混沌不清可能是来自于某部分利益相关者 具有非常优秀的本部门或者本专业的知识和经验,但是对招聘项目的项目管理要求和纪律性不是很了解。定义不清楚的招聘需求(岗位任职要求)是在实施成功招聘项目过程中遇到的最大的挑战之一。
highly effective communicators using on-going dialogues so that individual stakeholders understand why process and certain actions and how.
有经验的招聘管理者会运用递进式的诊断方式,和个别利益相关者进行有效的沟通,帮助他们理解为何 设置这些流程而不是那些流程,为何需要协同工作,以及具体如何实行。
4. Candidate Care 候选人关怀
Radiable candidate care through over the whole recruitment process continually and constantly, in which consolidated with employer branding.
When upskilling or reskilling become to the common agreement both for employers and employees at post-pandemic era, some of employers deployed advanced talent programme integrated employee development, training, HR digital marketing, candidate care for internal talent and external potential talent to win the competition of "talent shortage" and "skill gap".
在后疫情时代,技能再提升或者重新学习新技能 已经成为企业雇主和员工的一个共识。有一些企业雇主超前部署了整合性的人才计划:包括员工发展,培训,人力资源数字化,候选人关怀(候选人体验)来应对日益增长的 “人才短缺和技能差距”的挑战。
In generally, an well-organized workforce management program can twice the result with half effort.
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