Beyond Four Walls: The Gathering Place offers a different kind of refuge
The Mustard Seed
Eliminating homelessness and reducing poverty where we serve, since 1984.
The City of Kamloops, like many communities across Canada, has been impacted by the increase in homelessness and lack of available and affordable housing.
While The Mustard Seed continues to have an indoor, overnight shelter space to support those living in more vulnerable situations it is not a blanket solution. Indoor shelter spaces are not always the best option for people experiencing homelessness. From lack of space, to not working with their routine, or fear of indoor spaces due to trauma or mental illness, indoor shelters are not realistic solutions for everyone.
The Mustard Seed in Kamloops created a new space to fill this gap. The Gathering Place in Kamloops is an outdoor (shelter-like) space, that allows Mustard Seed guests, or anyone in need of a space to get out of the sun, to rest in the shade. While there, people have access to water, Wi-Fi, snacks, and a change of clothes if they need. The space includes two large tents with tables and chairs, and a small patch of astro-turf to lay down.
Why are indoor shelters not always the answer?
Everyone that comes to The Mustard Seed looking for support has their own story and circumstances. Just as an apartment or duplex might not work for the lifestyle of people looking for a new house, shelters don’t work for everyone’s needs either. We are always trying to adapt to what will be most beneficial for our guests and, for some, indoor shelters aren’t helpful for their situation.
Reason’s an indoor shelter might not work for someone:
1. No pets allowed
Many guests have pets for companionship or safety while experiencing homelessness. However, most shelters don’t allow animals. In these situations, it would be easier for someone to sleep in a park with their pet than leave them outside on their own all night.
2. Hours of operations incompatible with work hours
Contrary to popular belief, many people who are experiencing homelessness do also have jobs. If someone works night shifts, then only being given access to a bed at night doesn’t work for them.
3. Fear of contracting disease
No matter how hard staff work to keep these spaces clean, having a large group of people in one space means diseases can spread easily.
4. Separation of family members
Many shelters are 18+ only. If a family with children are looking for a place to stay for the night, they are more likely to stay together outdoors then being forced to separate.
5. Lack of privacy and fear of crowds
Many shelters are one large room with mattresses set up, one next to the other. There is very little privacy in these spaces and guests who deal with severe mental health issues or other trauma might find this kind of set up, or even just being indoors, stressful or triggering.
6. Lack of control
By the time a person is on the street, their life is usually already careening out of control. That feeling can be enhanced by the regimented check-in times, eating, prayer, sleep times, and check-out in a shelter. Some people stay out-of-doors so they can feel like they have some vestige of control over their own lives.
How is The Gathering Place different?
The Gathering Place takes away the structure and enclosed space of a regular shelter. It allows for more flexibility with someone’s schedule as it works on just a drop-in basis and removes the rigidity of the shelter intake process.
New guests that don’t feel comfortable coming to our regular shelter will come to this place instead, allowing them to access support and services from our staff. They can enjoy the shade, food, and water, and rest in a safe place.