Beyond Forgiveness
You're wronged. It's grave. And every atom of you bleats that the damage is forever. You feel helpless, insecure and are deeply shattered.
You do not know how to act. At one moment you feel like walking away and at another, you think of reworking the shards into a monument. You keep postponing thoughts of forgiveness.
It is precisely this postponement that prevents you from breaking free... free to find your destiny, the river that's meant for you. And I am not talking about success, wealth and name. This river implies the spiritual milestone you've been empowered to cross.
Now there is something even beyond forgiveness. I found it during the course of my life, a spiritual experience that dissolved every reality I'd known before.
I thought of the monster in my life. Nothing could justify what he did. I acknowledged that I could not fully understand what had turned him monstrous. I rooted his psychology to a difficult childhood. But that was not enough.
I forgave him the instant I realised that I could make an effort to save him. I felt that I could work on erasing the blackness of his image and have him look at himself in a mirror, all white, pure and uncorrupted. Maybe this act could free the both of us?
But then I thought of the good his monstrosity had brought me. All these thoughts, my reflections and the delving deeper into my soul, the meaning of life - it was his doing. The blow he gave me had brought me miles ahead of myself. His act was a gift better than anything I had ever received - because it rid me of the need to paint images and love them until they turn black. Because it rid me of my own image, shattered the mirror I was caught into.
I learned that there was nothing to be forgiven. There was no damage. Just a gift paper torn and a gift, unwrapped!
The gift that was revealed to me was the destiny of my soul. And I was free. Forever.