Beyond Effectiveness is Greatness

Beyond Effectiveness is Greatness

God has created mankind beautifully in his own image and skilled each one of us with unique character.Though birds of the same feather flock together,all the birds are not same and each of them have their own traits and differences.Similarly we as humans have our own individual characteristics and differences. Amidst these differences,the supreme factor in mankind is the love for our fellow neighbors.We humans,busy in running a race to thrive and survive in this competitive world neglect to innovate,excel and lead beyond effectiveness which is Greatness.

First of all one should believe in yourself feeding your inner self with positiveness leaving behind the negative aspects of life.Being self motivated enhances the zeal to spread positive aroma to those around us giving inner joy,sense of fulfillment,passionate execution and significant contribution.This in-turn drives an individual motivating others to tap into higher reaches of human genius and motivation called inner voice- the much needed powerful weapon during trials and crisis.

Pain and suffering always travel together. As every dark cloud has a silver lining,every problem has a possible solution.Instead of cutting the tree with blunt axe,let us take a step back to sharpen the axe. Likewise let us try to analyze the root cause causing the pain in an effort to empathize for others ,thinking ourselves in the place of individuals who is pain rather being judgmental.Let us take an effort to ignite our inner voice of human spirit full of hope to serve the common good.

One can find their inner voice by asking these set of questions.

1.What are your natural gifts,strengths and inborn talents?

2.What drives you or what is the basic need of the hour?

3.What does your conscience tells you?

4.What are you deeply passionate about?

Once you unleash your inborn talent,you will be able to sense the need of the hour driven by your inner conscience following your passions to fuel your Inner Voice Inspiring Others to find theirs.All it takes is a compassionate heart working for common good to serve the society.

Life on earth is driven by these parameters-

i.Living a meaningful life

ii.Learning to grow,helping others also succeed

iii.Loving with all your heart

iv.Leaving a legacy rendering meaningful contribution to the society.

Ultimately it should start from within where one should believe they are destined for Greatness.

The key to Chase your Greatness lies in how well you search and strive for Greatness......


