Undeniably, economic metrics still remain the best measure of government and leadership performances across nations. Facts and figures do not lie, because they can be proven and generalised.?
It is no wonder that in the most parts of Africa and other developing nations, leadership has been blamed for the socio-economic problems and poor performances purely based on available fundamental economic measures.?
Development organisations use these fundamental measures to determine the seriousness of nations and the level of respect or recognitions accorded them. For example, Nigeria returned to democracy since 1999 and since the past 25 years, there has been no period of 5 years of consistent social-economic policies or development, all based on quantitative economic measurement variables.?
There are other qualitative variables or measures but they are not so popular because they are subjective. Nonetheless, they are as important as the numeric variables to the extent that if there is a scale of priority, these qualitative variables may weigh higher.?
Agreed that politicians and political parties have not been acting in the best interest of their people and that the African version of democracy remains strangely interesting at best, or laughable to be honest. However, it is good to ask about the generality of the other people in Nigeria and the rest the African region. What about the larger majority of the people following those politicians and political parties? Is it right to think that even the followers do not pursue their own best interests? Of course they are interested in better life for themselves and they believe their welfare is important but like the politicians, they also go about many things the wrong way.?
Economy and the different social-economic performance metrics can only add up when set on a good foundation. Socio-economic development does not rise and fall on the economy, just the same way leadership is nothing abstract. It is about the people and the relationships among them. It is first of all, the cultivation of values, principles, the standards and habits upon which transactions or leadership operations and rules of engagement are built. These are the constant variables across religions and tribes.?
Furthermore, the set of habits that describe a person or a people judged from the perspectives of others around them; this concept is called character. It is the perception, of people around a person based on how they interpret his actions, reactions and even his intentions. Of course people cannot determine intentions but they can gauge them based on perceptions. Perception are the meanings given to observations based on the preceptor’s knowledge and understanding. Let us assume that the West holds wrong perceptions about Africa, what are the perceptions of an average Nigerian and Africans about themselves and their governments? They are quite mixed and not impressing to put safely.?
Why do??some Nigerians do great things abroad and many of them are respected for enviable accomplishments but it is difficult for the majority of those at home to show proofs of their talents, matched with great efforts and skills?
The difference is in the leadership environment, not just the actual leadership. By "leadership environment", reference is hereby made to the policies, rules, regulations and much more so, the intentions for and adherence to them. This is where the biggest issues really lie. This is the site upon which development foundation is built.?
It is not possible to build a structure in the air or upon a faulty foundation. We spend decades talking, passing bulks and shifting blames for the same wrongs written all over almost every Nigerian.?
Functional societies are built on shared positive values and character, not physical structures or the outcomes of the forces of supply and demand (the economy). Nigeria and the rest of Africa need a thorough social overhaul, a development re-orientation and it is only possible first at individual level.?
During their War Against Indiscipline (WAI) programme, Late Tunde Idiagbon and President Muhammadu Buhari used a system of negative reinforcement because they were military men. Despite that, there was slight adjustment by individuals, but it did not last because those adjustments were involuntary, based on unequal treatments between military and the masses and overall, the ultimate objective of WAI was insincere.?It was an effort to subdue and dominate, rather than create new orientation, achieve positive changes and develop character.
Effective democratic governments elsewhere are known to adopt approaches that are civil, human and motivating. They include incentives for adjusting and people will naturally respond well. This is possible within a 4-year term of an administration. Visible traces of different and better outcomes can be noticed, not necessarily a major transformation.?
Within these foundations (character and positive approach to change) lie the solution to problems of corruption and most other vices in Nigeria and the rest of Africa.?
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Fellow | Dean of School
2 个月Dear Good People, Here is a link below to the article titled, BEYOND THE ECONOMY (BTE). It is a 4-min read. Hopefully you are curious enough to read through.