Beyond dystopia - humanity's future relationship with Gaia
The Holos Earth Project
International network of leading edge holistic thinkers and practitioners rising to the meta-crisis of global challenges
What legacy can we leave for future generations? In the Holos-Earth Project Summer 2023 series with Daniel Christian Wahl we are exploring two interrelated concepts; ‘becoming indigenous’ - and ‘cultivating regenerative cultures’.
Global solutions and place-based participation
In our first posting, promoting our Holos-Earth event examining the insights of Daniel Christian Wahl on the topic of Salutogenic design this coming Wednesday 19th, we examined the phenomenon of the growing incidence of mental health challenges. We identified this to be increasingly prevalent among the youth. As a context we quoted Giddy Krishnamurti on the vexed nature of health in a fundamentally sick society - see
In our second posting focusing on hope and despair, we examined the role of grief as the transformational metier to embodied living, and explored various scenarios about humankind’s potential future - from deeply pessimistic to hopeful - see?
Salutogenic design
Now in this third brief posting Marcus Link, who will facilitate Wednesday’s session with Egon Hus, has pinpointed certain core principles as outlined by Daniel Wahl in our series of summer interviews. Marcus’ synopsis can be read here - ?
In the Holos-Earth Project summer 2023 series with Daniel Christian Wahl we are exploring two interrelated concepts, namely, ‘becoming indigenous’ - and ‘cultivating regenerative cultures’.
It was Belgian Protestant missionary and ethnologist, Maurice Leenhardt, in working in New Caledonia in the early 20th century, coined the term ‘cosmo-morphism'. This described the culture of the local islanders who had learned to live in social harmony with themselves and with their living ecologies. ?
It was German medical sociologist, Aaron Antonovsky, who count the term, ‘salutogenesis’ to describe the maintenance of wellbeing in a dynamical context.
Our exploration in generative interactive conversation on Wednesday 19th @ 18h60 BST will examine what these notions might this look like when applied in the modern industrial society in which we have all become enmeshed?
Place-based participation
In preparation, here are some key markers that Marcus will share as a context for an engaging interactive conversation:
* Regeneration and health are synonymous - it is not an ideal state - it is an ethos - a way of being in the world.
* Consequently health and wellbeing are not a function of right (corrective) action, it is an emergent property of right attention and right participation.?
* There is no fixed solution that can be imported into a context, no single regenerative culture, but rather, according to Wahl, regenerative cultures. And since that in turn is 'place sourced' (it emerges in interaction with the context), and 'place based' (the response/engagement is localised), it can be seen as a 'participation phenomenon'. ?
Deep feeling
In further exploring the emotional response to awareness of our destructive Anthropocene impact on the living milieu, Egon Hus will support Marcus in sensitively probing Daniel Wahl’s experience of emotional engagement. ??
Yes, Aaron Antonovsky first coined the phrase 'salutogenic design' in the modern era. The question is where and how do we bring our agency as humans to bear to enable regeneration and transform the systems we rely upon towards a state of health?
In this second of four sessions of our Summer Programme 2023, we explore the merit of global solutions and place-based participation.
You are invited to join our pilgrimage which is about discovering what health, hope and despair have to do with the meta-crisis facing humankind.
Click here to view the full session description including a pre-recorded interview with Daniel Christian Wahl and session notes to download.
With our Summer Programme, which we have subtitled Conversations On the Way, we also begin our journey to the Holism & Evolution Festival 2026 where we will celebrate 100 years of the publication of Jan Christian Smuts’ seminal work Holism & Evolution (1926).?Click here for more details visit the festival page here.
FREE 90 Minute Webinar
Session 2 of 4:
Salutogenic Design:
Global Solutions versus Place-Based Participation
19th July 2023
6:30pm BST 18h00 London
This holistic response to the savory/Mobiot Oxford debate around the climate crisis is of necessity controversial - without the fundamental shift in perception it will be hard to make sense of it: