Beyond customer satisfaction
I spent most of my days this week working at Pizza Hut and I was simply mesmerized by the service and warmth the employees showered on me. As an entrepreneur, I am constantly looking at everything as a learning. The sheer amount of compassion shown by these people gave a direction to my thinking.
As I think of these young boys and girls who juggle between education and work, and having so much of love and empathy for customers, I wonder how many of us from the corporate world show this level of compassion to our customers every single day. I have immense respect for employees who love their customers and treat them with care and empathy. No matter what business you are in, a customer is finally a human and expects nothing but love and positive reciprocation. There is so much being written on how to win the customers or how to achieve 100% customer success. What do we do when we achieve it? Here are a few things I do or have observed people doing when they feel elated with a certain service:
- Be kind: Kindness is irreplaceable. Show kindness to the customer service specialist. The moment kindness is added in your actions/words, the receiver connects better to his work, feels appreciated and is motivated to act in the same way as they did with you.
- Talk to them: Tell them something about you. Initiate a conversation. Let them that their service has built a trust within you and you don’t mind sharing a piece of information about you, your work or anything in general. This helps build a sense of integrity among service users and providers. They look forward to build the same trust and integrity for all their customers.
- Know how they were so good at the service: Customer Service is a skill that is learnt and crafted finely with experience. Moreover, it is also an inherent attitude. It the attitude of the person that allows him to move beyond theory and add elements of human touch to services. Ask them how they were able to do it exceptionally. There is a strong chance for you to apply the same logic/principle in your business. Speak!!!!!!!
- Ask for an advice: Are you struggling to build a relationship with your client or if your client is being too pushy and micromanaging, ask for advice. There is absolutely no harm is asking for an advice. Ask if they were in the same situation as yours and how they would tackle it. They probably have an answer to your problem.
- Lastly, take a selfie: Raise your hands if you don’t like a selfie. It feels great to share a moment of appreciation and gratitude when you love a service. Share the story with your loved ones or probably on a social media platform. Tag this customer service specialist and let him know you care and appreciate his efforts.