Beyond Control...
Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
There are times that the world seems too much and everyone around us need or wants something. As much as we feel the need to give we ourselves become needing...These are the times that we must re energize us. We must step back and regain us. To do this we need to take time out and relax and feed all of our being. We have to learn to prioritize what is most important and what can wait...We have to ask our father and truly believing that he will guide us. We must keep true faith. God has promised that he will take care of our needs and take care of us...all we have to do is ask. We need to stop filling our senses with all the negative energy and instead be willing to accept the good that God has promised. Take time to not only cleanse you body but; you soul as well. Strengthen not only your body but your mind as well...We must be strong before we can begin to help someone else. This is the time that we need to find the answers by not only studying our lives and future but by asking what we need to know and do. Take the time to make you truly whole...We are God's greatest creation and as such we have an obligation to honor him by everything we do and say. We can help others by teaching and knowing ourselves to laugh at our mistakes but learn from them, joke over our troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of our difficulties but overcome them...Life may knock us down but we must jump right back up brush ourselves off and say "REALLY" is that all you got ? Bring it on, I'm not afraid...God has my back...Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14...Love comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5...A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30...Rev Daniel Bramlett