Beyond Companionship: How Pets Improve our Quality of Life
Pet-Inclusive Housing Initiative
Through compelling research and actionable tools, we build a stronger and more pet-inclusive housing industry.
By Judy Bellack , Industry Principal, Pet-Inclusive Housing Initiative
Pets aren't just our cherished companions; they're often lifelines who boost our mood and bring joy into our lives. In this blog, we dive into how pets can make our minds and hearts healthier, with compelling stats to back it up. But there's a catch—many pet owners face frustrating hurdles with rental housing's breed and weight restrictions, as well as climbing fees. Let's explore the uplifting benefits of pets and tackle the challenges – and viable solutions – to this dynamic.
The Benefits of Pets
Pets act as natural stress relievers and emotional supporters, it’s simply in their makeup. As Dr. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland says, “Dogs are very present. If someone is struggling with something, they know how to sit there and be loving. Their attention is focused on the person all the time.”
Some of the specific health benefits of pets include:
Challenges in Rental Housing
Despite the many benefits our pets give us in addition to companionship, families that include pets often face challenges – particularly in rental housing – due to common breed and weight restrictions as well as multiple pet fees. These policies can create significant obstacles to keeping families together:
Common Sense Practices to Keep Families Together
Understanding the profound positive impact pets have on our quality of life should create better understanding and a more compassionate approach to rental housing policies. Even more so when you consider that 97% of U.S. pet owners say that pets are part of the family, and half of these owners say their pet is as much a part of the family as a human member (Pew Research Center). Here are some considerations:
In conclusion, our pets play a vital role in enhancing our quality of life and well-being. While challenges exist, particularly in rental housing, addressing these issues with empathy and common sense approach can lead to more harmonious living arrangements for both residents and their non-human family members.
For more resources on how you can move your property toward a more pet-inclusive environment, please visit the Pet-Inclusive Housing Initiative; and be sure to assess your property’s Pet-Inclusive Score to understand where you may have room for growth.