Beyond the Classroom Series
Junior Adventures Group AU
Bringing joy, enriching experiences and a sense of belonging to children
Welcome to our exclusive series - Beyond the Classroom.
#1: Introduction
Jennifer Dale, General Manager of Quality Education and Compliance (or JAG Education) introduces the critical impact Outside School Hours Care has on each child’s growth and development throughout their Primary School years.
#2: Importance of Outside School Hours Care
In this video, we have Mel Crole, CEO Australia, joining us to answer some important questions about Outside School Hours Care and the impact Junior Adventures Group can have on your school community.
#3: Whole of Child
Our Whole of Child philosophy, supports our mission, underpins our strategy and guides our practice as Australia’s leading provider of Outside School Hours Care.
Through our philosophy, we extend learning from the classroom into the OSHC room by supporting children emotionally, physically and creatively. Considering the whole child in everything we do is our part in building the next generation of emotionally savvy global champions.
Our Whole of Child philosophy ensures that each individual service creates a program that directly reflects the interests and skill level of the children that attend. This guarantees that we are not only making decisions and providing activities that can best support every child’s individual development, but we are providing a program that is enriching and engaging – that every child that attends can enjoy! This is what separates us from other OSHC providers. We are tailoring the experience by listening to our children because they are the true deciding factor of our programs!
We encourage children to have a strong sense of identity and wellbeing, be confident and involved learners, effective communicators and take risks - all through play! Our programs, although educational, are fundamentally FUN – so, our little humans have no idea that they’re learning important life skills that will guide them into becoming incredible, well-rounded adults ready to enter society.
We provide children with the freedom to explore and discover in their own time and in their own way, free from adult agendas. We want them to get dirty, get messy, get wet and have fun!
#4: Service Programming
Service programming is created for the children in our services by the children in our services – uniquely tailored for each unique school community.
Programming means more than just choosing a variety of activities each week.
We continually consult with our children, families and schools to ensure that the program directly reflects the interests of our local school communities.
Our Whole of Child philosophy ensures that the children’s voice is listened to and used to develop the program. Working in partnership is critical for an engaging program. When strong links are formed between educators and families, it creates a warm and at-home environment for our little humans in care.
We use several documents to support our program creation to make sure it aligns with the OSHC frameworks, which are all accessible by our local communities to review and provide feedback on! These are:
Reflection Journal and Program Diary
Educators critically reflect on the success and failures of the program through a Program Diary. This allows us to be transparent on which activities work well and serve the purpose of a child-focused program.
The Reflection Journal is accessible to children, families and the school and we encourage everyone to contribute their thoughts on what they would like to see in the program!
Children’s Meetings
Children’s Meetings are a safe space where the children can express their thoughts on the program openly. Along with this, each child has a chance to speak one-on-one with an educator if they’re uncomfortable expressing themselves in front of others.
Child Observations
Using the My Time, Our Place framework, educators support each child’s development by collaborating with families and creating a program with activities that are educational. Educators will then observe their growth using Child Observations and critically reflect on how successful the program has been for each child, then adjust where necessary.
If you have any questions on the program and how it’s developed, please feel free to speak to us!
#5: Building Brighter Futures Together
Junior Adventures Group is a vibrant company that engages, empowers and educates children in the Outside School Hours Care sector across three continents: Australia, New Zealand and the UK with a combined goal to Build Brighter Futures Together.
In Australia, we have three sub-brands that have their own ‘personality’, which are specifically chosen to allow each service to be tailored to the local community needs.
OSHClub is all about creating happy memories for your little ones. Programs are active and energetic, and designed so that every child, no matter their age, skill level or interests, feels included and has loads of fun.
Helping Hands Network programs are designed to support school communities and busy families. We provide an engaging and educational environment for children, catering to their fun-loving spirit.
Primary OSHCare are committed to achieving the ideal OSHC environment for children and their families by combining our industry leading programs, strong community mindset and positive, highly skilled team.
Across the globe, we lead by example. We provide quality care and education to our children by investing in new initiatives, tools and practices that improve every child’s experience and the whole sector.
Everything we do is underpinned by our Whole of Child philosophy, putting children at the centre of every decision we make. We are here to build brighter futures together by collaborating from the ground up: starting locally with the school community to connecting with our brands.
We believe in being inclusive for all. We offer funded spaces for vulnerable or disadvantaged children, provide training for the young and unemployed, deliver free mental health training for school staff, and so much more.
Fundamentally, everything we do is in the best interests of children. Every program created, resource bought, and decision made is done in collaboration with the children, for the children. We are here to provide a safe, parental guilt-free, enriching and engaging environment for children to explore their creativity and develop into resilient members of our society.
Want to learn more about how we can get involved in your community? Check out our website here
#6: Wrap Up
Jen Dale brings us the thoughts of those who matter most!