Beyond the Checklist: Advanced Techniques for FCA-Compliant Financial Reporting
Lee Werrell Chartered FCSI
Compliance Doctor ? FCA Regulatory Specialist ? Guiding UK Businesses to Achieve Seamless Compliance ? Chartered FCSI ? Solicitor's & Accountants ? Payment Services API/EMI ? Regulatory Compliance Consultant, London?
Effectively Tailor Reports, Highlight Risks, and Ensure Comprehensive Client Understanding
At "Compliance Consultant" we are often asked to review documentation to respond to the FCA, create customer facing documentation or review template wording for use in reporting.
Our findings are detailed and quite often astonishing. Firms and advisers don't know how to keep it simple, clear and relevant. They wax lyrical about various elements that have little or no bearing on the matter at hand, often returning to resell the deal or produce a word salad with lashings of superfluous dressing.
Based on FCA guidance, here are some key ways firms can better articulate their compliance with FCA requirements or ensure clarity with their clients in their documents:
The key is to be clear, specific, balanced and client-focused in articulating how regulatory requirements are being met. Avoid generic language and explicitly link back to individual client circumstances and FCA rules.
If you like what you see hear, and want to discuss your own communications or documentation, please call us on 0800 689 0190 or email [email protected] , today!