Beyond the Broncos building aspirations of students
Beyond the Broncos Year 12 student, Daniel Button was fortunate enough to be invited on a special site tour of Blackwoods at Carole Park.
While other Year 12s are preparing to graduate and making plans for schoolies, Daniel has been active in ensuring that he is engaged in further study or work once he completes school.
"I'll miss school but I'm excited about working and want to start as soon as I can" Button
Blackwoods State Distribution Manager, Kevin Quinn gave Daniel an introduction into the business, the types of roles available at Blackwood’s and discussed the many opportunities for career development within the business.
Daniel was also lucky enough to catch up with Beyond the Broncos Alumni and now Blackwoods employees, Brock Hilton and Nicholas Grant. Both Nick and Brock shared their experience working the past year with the organisation.
“Working at Blackwoods has taught me a lot and I’ve been able to gain my forklift tickets” Grant
The Beyond the Broncos are committed to encouraging its participants to believe that these types of opportunities are available to them regardless of their background. Daniel’s visit to Blackwoods’ is part of this commitment to raising the aspiration of its’ participants.
"We engage participants in a host of aspiration building opportunities this includes, university tours, construction site tours, careers information sessions, careers expos, work experience and immersion camps." Beyond the Broncos Coordinator, Hamish McLoughlin
"However, by far the most influential are the Beyond the Broncos Alumni. Beyond the Broncos Alumni like Nicholas Grant and Brock Hilton are now role models for future generations of Beyond the Broncos students." McLoughlin
The Beyond the Broncos would like to thank Blackwoods for their ongoing support and wish Daniel all the best for the future.