Beware your Inner Bear
How will you respond when you receive that nasty text from your ex? How will you respond when you see your ex during pickups and drop offs?
Be honest. How well have you done so far? You have excuses you'd like to share at this moment. You were pushed. You had too much going on at the moment. You snapped. Thats all okay just admit you have to do better. Can I get an amen on that?
Are you aware of your inner bear? Are your emotions managed or on the loose?
In the book we talk about using a skill known as mindfulness. Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
You may have 10 different negative thoughts about your ex the moment you have to engage them. You don't have to say them. Can you manage your emotions long enough to perform a successful exchange? Can you manage your emotions long enough to send the correct information your ex needs to receive concerning matters involving your children?
Mindfulness is key to getting you on the path to managing your inner bear. Beware that bear is in there and without mindfulness will come out. #fearthebear #mindfulness.