Beware those offers handled by indian companies having american address.
I was contacted by someone theoretically working for MomentoUSA.
My first doubt was the name. At linkedin had an indian name. When emailed me, the sender has an american name.
During a couple of days I was asked to complete data in my resume and in a skill matrix.
Everything went fine... Along with the economic offer, I received an RTR, that I should return accepting their representation.
At such point, this character tried to call me but he couldn't and sent me a message over linkedin chat: "The number is not working can you call me? Where is your location? in usa"...
I do not live in USA. And that should appear quite clear to anyone that take a look to my profile!
So, after all that, my profile was not good to be submitted. Everything went to halifax!
Once again, be careful, world is plenty of friggin morons.