Beware of Ransomware, a real threat to your online security
Ransomware is serious business, and you should do all in your power to protect yourself and your organization against this type of cyber attacks.?
Ransomware is one of the most harmful kinds of malware currently out there. Once it infects a computer, it locks the owner out of their own files by encrypting them with a secret key. Then, some letter appears asking for payment will be left behind, whether as a text file or a local webpage.
Victims would receive a ransom note saying, "We have taken your data! If you want your information back, send a large sum of cryptocurrency to this address."
But, what is Ransomware, exactly?
The term "ransomware" refers to a sort of malicious software (also known as "malware") that, until the victim pays a ransom price to the perpetrator, threatens to publish or prevent access to data or a computer system, typically by encrypting the material in question. In many instances, the ransom demand will include a specific time limit. If the affected party fails to pay the ransom in the allotted period, the data is permanently deleted, or the ransom amount escalates.
Attacks using ransomware have become much too familiar in recent years. Large corporations worldwide, including North America and Europe, have been affected by it. Cybercriminals will target any customer or company, and victims can be found in any sector they choose.
So, like we stated earlier, this is serious business.
Who can fall victim of it?
The potential for ransomware infection exists on virtually every computer and other electronic device linked to the internet. Since it examines both the local machine and any storage connected to a network, the presence of a vulnerable device in the local network increases the likelihood that it will be held hostage. For example, if the local network belongs to a company, ransomware can encrypt essential files and papers, ending commercial operations and productivity.
It is recommended that if a device connects to the internet, it should have the most recent software security updates placed on it. It should also have anti-malware software installed on it that can identify ransomware and stop it from spreading. On the other hand, old-fashioned operating systems such as Windows XP don′t provide sufficient support and leave devices in a significantly sensitive situation.
Ransomware as an attractive source of income for criminals
Nowadays, tech knowledge is not even required to be a thief. On the internet, ransomware markets have sprung up, giving malware strains to any would-be cybercriminal and creating additional profit for the virus developers, who frequently ask for some ransom revenues to be paid.
When payment is made with an anonymous cryptocurrency like bitcoin, it is more challenging to trace offenders and follow the trail of money they use. As a result, Cybercriminal organizations are increasingly turning to ransomware attacks to make a quick profit. The widespread availability of open-source code and platforms that use a drag-and-drop interface to generate ransomware has sped up the production of new ransomware variations and made it easier for scripting amateurs to develop their malware. In addition, modern malware, such as ransomware, is typically designed to be polymorphic by its developers. This provides hackers with the ability to easily circumvent traditional signature-based security that is based on file hash.
Additionally, Ransomware-as-a-service has evolved into a cybercrime economic model that enables malware producers to make money off their creations without the requirement to spread their threats. Besides, non-technical criminals can purchase their products and launch infections, all while paying the developers a percentage of the proceeds from the infections.?
A close relationship with the Dark Web
The Dark Web has become the primary business network for cybercriminal enterprises. It is the hidden subset of the Internet that can only be accessed through anonymizing proxies like the Tor and I2P networks. Generally, accessing such a resource in most nations is seen as lawful. Therefore, no crime is committed unless action is taken on the Dark Web that would likewise be prohibited in the light of day.
But, it is the anonymity provided by these networks that inadvertently makes cybercrime easier. Many Dark Web marketplaces operate similarly to eBay but deal in illegal goods and services. To purchase or sale something, all one needs is an online wallet, which anyone can open.?
A simple yet definitive solution, get a Dark Web monitoring service
There are several benefits for your firm if you can determine whether or not your company's account credentials have been stolen, made public, or sold on the dark web. First, it gives you a valuable signal of when a security breach can occur. Also, active monitoring of the dark web can alert you to an event that was missed by other tools, helping you to avert a more severe data breach or ransomware attack.
Meet the ultimate protection to prevent ransomware attacks
Here comes InsecureWeb,?
InsecureWeb is a Dark Web monitor software that checks the activities of hackers and cyber criminals who operate in Dark Web marketplaces, peer-to-peer networks, hidden chat rooms, botnets, and private websites.
It keeps an eye out for pertinent information, vulnerabilities, and indicators of ongoing or upcoming attacks to keep you one step ahead of the game. Since the beginning of time, more than 18 billion records have been accumulated, and millions are added each day.
?You can monitor ANY email address in 20 different domains, user names, phone numbers, or personal email accounts. And, because it tracks criminals on the Dark Web, InsecureWeb is a handy tool for keeping an eye on that portion of the internet.?
The good news
You can prevent your devices and data from ransomware attacks. Although it is a very serious thing to be worried about, it is possible to protect yourself and your organization.?
This is why you should consider using Dark Web monitoring tools like InsecureWeb combined with unbreakable passwords and other measures to build the most effective line of defense for those looking to safeguard these assets. More specifically, trusting software like InsecureWeb to keep all your information safe and away from cyber criminals wherever they appear.