Beware of Preying Job Scammers
Staying Safe while job seeking
In the wake of rising Oil Prices it is no surprise that previously uneconomic Oil and Gas projects have recently become viable. With that is the knock-on effect resourcing personnel to run/execute these projects. If you have been out of work within the last two years you will understand exactly where I am going with this. From March this year my inbox has consistently been fed with healthy job leads from headhunters, Linkedin Connection requests and random phonecalls from all over the world. The resurgence of this "Oil Boom" however puts the active O&G job seeker at risk as unscrupulous elements have setup shop to harvest your personal details, make you spurious job offers and potentially dupe you.
Yesterday I recieved this in my inbox
Dear Candidate,
We have reviewed your CV as posted on XXX Job Site and we have shortlisted you for an interview..Hence we request you to email your CV to us directly on:
1. Full Name
2. Three Positions you Target with us?
3. Expected Salary in US Dollars Equivalent?
Good luck! as you take steps in the right path to build your career with us.
Best Regards
Joe Bloggs
I noticed that this seems to be a format email targeted at me and several others, as it became obvious that I had received several of these emails before. I had actually on a separate occasion been offered a job (full offer letter) for a job I never attended an interview for.
So the question is who are these guys and what do they want? Moreso, how do I not fall prey to these chaps? Here are a few tips to keep a dry nose and avoid being stung.
- Looking at the format letter above, its clear that this is a scam: You can]t be selected for an interview and the recruiter is asking you to list 3 positions you are applying for, that doesn't add up.... A professional recruiter should have your profile and align it specifically to job.
- Check the email domain of the sender,(any serious recruiter will have a company registered domain. No @yahoo or Check also if they have a website and if yes, look at the available jobs. My scammer actually Bcc countless others with the same email....If you have received an "Offer", check the company official website and see if such a job was indeed advertised - better yet call their HR department to verify the offer
- NEVER pay any Money to a recruiter, the scam is to drag you along and spring bill on you for Medicals or Visa.
- Don't be naive, its easy to for theses guys to get an email addy and contact number so any story can be used to extort or manipulate ones jon expectations. You probably have this info for all to see on your Linkedin profile and the likes.
- If you are in MENA (Middle East/North Africa) region and you have registered with the likes of Nakrigulf, Monstergulf etc be careful
- Use basic common sense, protect yourself at all times and do not willingly furnish your personal details nor respond to suspicious emails. Phizers and scammers can gain access to your email if you make a wrong move and turn a difficult jobless situation into a Geostorm of issues.
So, please be careful as your set about on your jobhunt, Just wanted to share my personal experience to bless others