Beware in Choosing a Publisher
Anthony Hernandez
Volunteer at Scobee Education Center and Educational Volunteer (NASA-STEM), Planetary Society-Member
I have gained much experience in choosing a book publisher and not falling for the wrong one, as I started selecting one in September 2023. They were pleasant and professional initially and allowed the payments to be made in two to three parts. Other publishers promise results, over committing verbally, and not in a contract, or promise publishing on several platform books, but for a price range of $1,200 to $10,000 package.
The publisher did good work on putting the book together, and the illustrations were good quality. If I knew now, back when I first signed on with the publisher, I would never commit to them for $399; the end of the process cost me close to $1,200. I was foolish to sign the contract, and I was so eager to get my book published. They claim access to publish on 17 book platforms on their website.
I had asked in mid-March when my book would be published on Bibiotheca, Apple Books, Book Baby, Walmart, Target, and Branes & Noble. The project manager told me that it was being processed back in March. On April 9, 2024, I discovered by an inquiry with Amazon that my book could not be located on the other 17 platforms the publisher mentions on their website. When I pressed the publisher, they only sent me a copy of my signed contract. They only act as a third party, and there is no guarantee that the other platforms will publish my book; it is up to the platforms. After calling companies' book platforms, the publisher has yet to contact them, and there is no record of such an attempt, which is very disappointing.
I learned this April that my book was never published on any of the platforms I mentioned. It was published on January 28, 2024, and now, approaching April 28, 2024, I have only had my book published on Amazon. I could not find my book on the following platforms: Amazon, Apple Books, Baker &Taylor, Barnes & Noble, Bibliotheca, Book Baby, Borrobox, Kobo, Hoopla, Ingranspark, Lulu, Overdrive, Tolino, Vivlio, Scribd, Target, and Walmart.
Clear and consistent communication with the publisher is critical. I tried several times to call and contact them. The first call was taken, but over five phone calls went to voicemail, and they have yet to respond. I even sent them multiple emails to the publisher. When I received the email, it did not say much, but a copy of the contract I signed that did not directly state it would be part of the contract, but a chance of possibility to publish on 17 platforms.
Understanding the terms and conditions of the contract is crucial. As they quoted, I granted the publisher and authorized them to submit the content of my book on relevant publishing platforms. However, it is explicitly understood that the decision to publish or not rests entirely at the discretion of these platforms and shall only act as a third party representing my book. The situation is that they have yet to show me any documents or evidence that they have submitted the content of my book to all 17 platforms; the only platform where the book is shown is Amazon.
Some publishers can get the ISBN and bat code needed for your book. Some publishers charge you for each ISBN for your eBook, paperback, and hard copy. The larger companies will charge you a flat fee for all three book formats. Some larger companies can do everything, including social media, marketing, website banners, and website development, but you must research.
Some publishers advertise on their website that they can place your book on many platforms, but when it comes to contracts, they do not include the other platforms by name. What about publishing on different platforms? They send you a copy of your agreement and highlight the second that they are only a third party in assisting, but it is up to each platform, basically throwing the contract in your face and meeting their agreement. What they advertise on the website about publishing on each platform, and do not. When you ask for proof that they contacted the other platforms, they claim it is confidential information, so beware and ask which platforms you want your book published in a contract.
Yes, the people were pleasant and helpful, but when the publisher puts on their website, they can publish on all 17 platforms and do not make the attempt; that is a form of false claims and deceptive trade. The publisher refused to disclose any information, when asked which platform they submitted, once again, was dinied, and the publisher stated it was confidence information, that I would not have accessed to such information. All I can do is walk away, I learned by experience in the case of publishing the first time. I have not made money on this book, but the publisher made their money. If they can at least publish on the flowing platforms such as Bibliotheca, Apple Books, Target, and Walmart, I would be satisfied, but I would never use that publisher again.
I cannot say what publishers are fair and will do all they say either verbally or in words by the manager of the publisher. Just make sure when selecting a publisher, make sure to state that you want all documents and files sent to you by email and U.S Postal Service, with all receipts, to the paid artwork, the publisher illustrators, intellectual property, all book content, receipts of ownership of all illustrations, and payment of all services rendered. The publisher will not have any claim to royalties from any part of the book or the author.
When You select a publisher, have them state all the requirements, price, and legal ownership of the author exclusively, and the publisher will have no ownership of any illustrations or content. There are many long-time established publishers, small publishers, and start-up publishers. Please do not fall for hiring someone because they are cheap or low cost; select a publisher that will agree to all you want from the publisher.
Ask many questions and document those questions and refer to them before you sign any contract of agreement. Many publishers will offer as many as up to 50 platforms but staying to a select few of five to seven platforms is a good number to increase your sales opportunities, plus being visual on all social media sites.Also include in the contract all platforms in the contract. When publishing there are hidden cost, not mentioned during talks or in a suppose contract.
Keep a digital copy of your business with the publisher you choose. As a first-time author, conduct profound research in selecting a publisher. A publishing coach who is an experienced author and publisher can assist with publishing your first book with publishing tips!