Beware of CDS, Thinker’s High, SBF WTF? New Categories Everywhere, & Scooby Snacks

Beware of CDS, Thinker’s High, SBF WTF? New Categories Everywhere, & Scooby Snacks

Thanks for reading ?? Welcome to Different.

The newsletter for entrepreneurs, marketing leaders, and creators with a different mind. From Christopher Lochhead.

(Sponsored by Bad Tuna Industries)


Beware of CDS.

Startup founders. Creators. Marketers. C-level execs. Beware of:




(Meme from

Your biggest competition, is thinking you have competition.

The second someone says "competitive differentiation", they're fucked.

They have CDS.

We must be aware of where we put our attention.

When we focus on competition, we’re comparing. Not creating.

When we focus on competition, we’re looking backward. Not forward.

When we focus on competition, we’re playing in existing market categories, created by someone. Not designing a different category.

When we focus on competition, we’re chasing demand created by someone. Not creating our own demand.

When we focus on competition, we’re not focused on customers. Not thinking about their problems, wants and desires.

(Many AI startup founders and VCs are doing this now. They’ve forgotten the lessons of the dot com era. And they will lose billions because of it.)

This is why legendary startup founders do not compete in existing market

This is why legendary startup founders do not compete in existing market categories.

They category design (new/different) markets. They unshackle their minds to achieve new levels of mental agency. To think in new, different ways.

About the future. About customers problems and opportunities.

Our friend Mike Maples, Jr of Floodgate Capital says, “great founders are non-consensus and right.”

They focus on customer problems, creating a different future & they don't give a shit about competition.

Which makes this one of the most powerful questions to consider:

“Am I competing or creating?”


Thinker’s High

Entrepreneurship is a thinkers sport.

And there is a higher level of thinking that creates clarity, powerful insights and sometimes pure bliss.

Runners talk about the high they get once they are warmed up, in flow and going.

Surfers, talk about stoke.

The over-all body bliss you get from riding one great wave can be so powerful, you’re stoked for days.

These highs come from real work.

In pursuit of something challenging.

And flow inducing.

It turns out, we humans can get the exact same kind of high from reading, learning and jamming ?? (with other smart, creative people).

Which makes it really strange.

That we don’t teach thinking.

We teach existing thoughts.

Many people confuse having thoughts (the shit that is always on, rolling by, in your head) and actually doing what management guru Roger Martin calls “reflective thinking”.

Most people are reactive thinkers.

They hear something, the little voice in their head reacts, and they think... they did some thinking.

When all they did was react.

Thinking requires us to stop.

Do some research.

Consider differing points of view.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Ask "why" 5-7 times.

Then ask yourself again...“what do I really think about this"?

Startup founders who react.

Are at the mercy of their reflexes.

Startup founders who (actually) think.

Change the world.



Sam Bankman-Fraud was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Maybe he’ll serve 15-17?

He will (likely) be out of jail before he turns 50.

He scammed $8 fucking billion dollars.

His sanctimonious, elite Stanford prof parents are everything wrong with the morally intellectual superior class.

His father Joseph Bankman (used to) teach law. And is a clinical psychologist as well as a lawyer.?

He teaches (wait for it…) mental health law and writes on the intersection of law and psychology.?

His Stanford bio says (you can’t make this shit up), that he has:

“written on how insights from social psychology might be used in the effort to reduce tax evasion.”

Joseph Bankman worked for his son at FTX.

No charges filed.

His mother Barbara H. Fried used to teach (get ready) law, morality & philosophy.

About her son going to prison she said:

“The ease with which we consign young lives with so much promise to the trash heap is a societal tragedy as well.”

Fucking disgusting.

Mercy to the guilty is to cruelty to the innocent.


New Categories Everywhere

Once you have the category lens, you see categories (and new categories everywhere).

I just saw this one.

“Alcoholic Cocktail Gummies.”

Smith & Sinclair’s new category of candies is yummy. And.

You’d have to eat a shit ton of them to get drunk ??????

You’ll also note. They (like all people who change the world) lead with the category POV tagline.

“Eat Your Drink.”

It’s provocative, breaks through the noise and stands out.

Now ask yourself. Why doesn’t the box say Smith & Sinclair in giant font?


Because the category makes the brand.

Not the other way around.


Shalom my Pirate friend,

Christopher Lochhead


People who subscribe on Substack get this Different newsletter first.

And are considered to be 27% more attractive then non-subscribers*

Copyright Category Pirates, LLC


Meet the father & son who lost their son/brother on Oct 7th who are building an Israeli startup for every life lost or taken on that horrible day.

The “legal” warnings.

(and the Scooby Snacks ??)

This product is a solution to a problem that most people don’t have.

All newsletters contain nuts ??

There are (random) strategically placed spelling, grammar and formatting mistakes in this newsletter.

If you think The Rock controls “Big Media” so he can brainwash people into subscribing to Disney Plus to force them to watch his horrible movies and buy tickets to Disney Land, then consider these strategic mistakes part of a secret code that unlocks Federal Government servers in Bumsquat Youdaho to the files that prove the The Statue of Limitations was created by Aliens.

If you’re not a The Rock controls big media person, the errors herein exist because Lochhead is lazy… and wants to write in an unfettered, real(ish) time way and an editor would slow the roll.


Pretty please.

Subscribe here to keep getting Different.

Florida man proposes using rings stolen from other girlfriend, authorities say

The Tesla truck is a legendary example of a category design lightning strike.

A shrimp's heart is in its head.

The longest river in the world is the River Nile.

One of the biggest problems in business is dNile.

On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

Coral reefs are Earth's largest living structure.

Did you know that Boeing did not really fire CEO Dave Calhoun.

He’s staying on ‘til the end of 2024. Instead of being fired for cause. (and maybe going to jail)

Isn’t it fascinating that our politicians, DAs, judges and media do not shine a light on the massive breaches of governance and demand justice?

The creator of this Different Newsletter:

-can’t find his pants

-does not possess a GED

-is friendly with Mary Jane

-was thrown out of school at 18

-has been fired more times than he can count

-possess multiple learning differences superpowers

... this is the part of Different, that is like the very end of a movie...

….where some directors throw in silly crap-o-lla

(Did you know that Thomas Crapper - a British plumber popularized the modern toilet category? That's why you take a "take a crap". )

.....for their own entertainment purposes, because they assume by this point, people have left the theater...

...but for some reason you're still reading...

…and I'm still writing...

People who subscribe on Substack get this Different newsletter first.

This Different newsletter really ties the room together.

“I need a little time off for bad behavior”

- Whiskey Myers

Our real newsletter is called

Category Pirates ????

This is a lost leader that Christopher Lochhead inflicts on the world, to entice them to read the (real) good stuff in Category Pirates ????

100% of the “good” parts of this Different Newsletter was inspired by, or completely lifted from Category Pirates ????

If you're not enjoying this (different) newsletter, you're among the vast majority of people on planet earth.

If (by some breach of your better judgement) you are enjoying this Italian Brunello smooth read, with just the right level of AD/HD insanity…

Well,… thank you for that ??

Ever sit next to someone farting on a plane?

Or someone sneezing?

(without covering their mouth)

Work in B2B tech? Category Pirates just published a must read.

Gaza could Have Been Singapore. Hamas Turned It Into ISIS

Human Sperm adjust their swimming style

You might like this deep dive into “The Value of Your Value”

Contrary to the rumors, This Different Newsletter is not associated with Harvard Business School. We are in no-way-shape-or-form funded or produced by Harvard.

Is this newsletter still going?

It seems very unprofessional to have all of this unprofessional stuff at the end.

Hamas is lying about death toll in Gaza

"There's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in."

- Leonard Cohen

“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining”

-Judge Judy

Read "The Power of Outcomes"

The different shall inherit the earth.

Sharing this newsletter (broadly) makes you radical great looking.


The Economist once called Lochhead, “off-putting to some.”

The left lane, is the passing lane.

Blocking the passing lane could result in a $269 fine.

And 69 years in jail.

You know who you are

(Prius & tesla drivers)

Check out: The Category Design Academy.

Our first course is the super-ding-dong “how to be a legendary category designer” program.

We started with the grand salami.

If you want to make a living designing and dominating market categories or want a black belt in category design, you can check it out here.

Anyone making business, or life decisions based on this content, should do some thinking about thinking.


Why is this still going on?

Ya why?

This stuff at the end is very unprofessional.


Probably costs this guy a lot of potential subscribers.

Someone should tell him.

Ya, but do you think he’d listen?

Probably not.

Ya, the guy who writes this newsletter seems pretty irascible.

Irascible. Good one.

Did you have to Google it?

Did you know that two thirds of American kids can’t read?

That’s crazy.

But on the positive side, did you hear?

An 8-year old boy beat a chess grandmaster.

That’s amazing!

Hey… wait a minute.

This fucking newsletter is making us talk to each other again.



There’s no one else here….

…I’m talking to myself again.

In my own head.

Because of this newsletter ??


There will be repetitive content from time to to…because the creator of this newsletter will absolutely forget he already posted it…

….this is a feature, not a bug.

Tom Waits was right.

Hey, thanks for hanging out for the extra (silly) scooby snacks at the end...

….let's hang out again soon ????????

Published by Category Pirates.

Sponsored By Bad Tuna Industries.

Makers of Bad Tuna Armpit Wipes?

I love bad tuna.. isn't that the fishing show? Love Mary d o n l e y

Mykyta Ivanenko

DFY Growth Partner for Marketing Agencies & Coaches | MBA Candidate @ Luxembourg School of Business

11 个月

Christopher Lochhead???????? is being different a mindset or a strategy or both? In my case it was always a mindset. I was born in post communist Ukraine where being the same as everyone else was highly appreciated, but when you are different you can have troubles. Nevertheless my mom always told me: “Being white crown is very good. You’ll see the benefits soon.” And despite it was not easy being different I always was and now I find more and more like minded people who are also unique and different. So for me it’s a mindset I can apply to business strategically. What about other legends in business and beyond?

Love the Scooby snacks Christopher Lochhead????????. I might debate you (I'd probably loose lol) a bit on the differentiation topic, but on the point of needing to create something different I am with you. ??


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