Beware of this Candor Killer

Beware of this Candor Killer

The research resoundingly demonstrates that the ability to “get to candor”—to have truthful conversations about things that really matter—is critical to one’s psychological well-being and the effectiveness of our leaders and organizations.

But there are some surefire ways to kill candor. I mentioned one a couple weeks ago—saying WHATEVER you think or feel regardless of how ugly or unkind it is. Candor without compassion can be cruel.

There is another candor killer we’re actually often taught to integrate into our coaching and management. I give you all the details in one of my latest videos: Beware This Candor Killer.?

This candor killer is all about controlling people into agreeing with your thinking. And too often I find people think candor is ONLY about saying what YOU think and feel.

This is a misconception because candor is fundamentally about seeking the truth—and other people might know more than you. Your truth may need to be combined with other people’s truths in order to arrive at the Truth.

As Corinthians points out: “For now we see through a glass, darkly.”?

We need other people if we’re to have the full picture. But we also need to be able to share our truth in a way that deepens relationships while accurately articulating what we’re thinking and feeling. Candor takes competence.

To help with this, I’ve put together this 4-video, free mini-course for anyone who wants to understand how to develop this capability in themselves and others. Get access here.


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