Beware of calcium chloride posing as calcium formate
Beware of calcium chloride posing as?calcium formate
Recently, there have been many?calcium formate?users feedback that?calcium formate bought in the chemical market has been adulterated by calcium chloride!
In order to distinguish some problems between calcium formate?and sodium chloride, calcium formate?and calcium chloride will be explained in detail here.
Calcium formate?and calcium chloride are calcium salts, calcium formate?is white crystal or powder, calcium chloride is crystalline, honeycomb block, spherical, irregular particles or powder, etc. (calcium chloride according to the crystal water contained in different shapes, in addition, calcium chloride itself is very easy to absorb water, according to the degree of delixing different shapes are also different).
In terms of use,?calcium formate?and calcium chloride can be used to supplement calcium in animals. The difference is that?calcium formate?is an organic calcium salt, and its calcium is very helpful for the tolerance and absorption of animals, and the calcium absorption rate is also higher.
In industry,?calcium formate?and calcium chloride can be used to increase the strength and cold resistance of cement or mortar in construction. Calcium chloride as an early strength agent is the longest applied early strength agent so far, but because it contains chloride ions, it can not be applied in concrete with steel embeddings.?Calcium formate?has a wider application range and more stable performance.
It can be said that calcium formate?and calcium chloride have similarities in both appearance and use!
However,?calcium formate?and calcium chloride are still relatively easy to distinguish. At 20℃, the solubility of calcium formate in water is about 16g/100g, and calcium chloride is 74g/100g. If it is two standard calcium formate?and calcium chloride products, they can be distinguished by solubility. When the solubility exceeds the dissolving capacity of calcium formate, it can be determined to be adulterated.
In addition, solubility and insoluble content are two different indicators. The calcium formate?aqueous solution produced by Pengfa?Chemical is clear and transparent, and the content of insoluble matter is very small. When there is turbidity in the water solution and it is not allowed to exceed the standard, it should be considered whether the product itself is a by-product or the factory index is too low.
Because it is difficult to identify calcium formate?and calcium chloride directly with the naked eye, the treatment can be distinguished by dissolving in water. If conditions permit, the most effective and accurate method is chemical inspection. When it is not convenient to carry out chemical tests, it is necessary to choose a large brand product with a good reputation.