Beverage trends to watch in SA
Steff Botha
Health & Safety Specialist | Health & Safety training & Consultants | Risk assessments | Gap analyses | First Aid | Firefighting | Evacuation Planning | Investigations | Audits | Safety files | +27 (0) 82 253 3053
Gluten riddance, not to be eclipsed by newer trends, gluten-free options are still going strong. About one percent of North Americans are at risk of Celiac, while many others risk developing gluten intolerance - and some people just not to eat gluten. Whatever the case, they're becoming more invested in reading labels and learning about the certification process for gluten-free products
Amaize instant porridge is free of gluten |
Labels matter, many consumers contend with allergies to food like SOY and SOY isolate, dairy and tree nuts. They'll be on the lookout for products labelled as "free-from" these allergens.
Prof Noakes writes the following in his book: The Real Meal Revolution
Soya is never recommended by anyone who has a shred of scientific nutritional knowledge. Firstly, it is a very poor source of protein and should not be confused with “real” animal protein and secondly, this is no alternative at all. Soybeans are a very cheap crop to grow, and over 95% is genetically modified. But evern “oganic” soya has toxic phytochermicals, and an extensive list of problems is associated with its use, including:
- Suppression of thyroid hormones (causing hypothyroidism and goiters)
- Digestive distress
- Immune system breakdown
- Severe allergies
- ADD and ADDHDHD (attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
- Higher risk of heart disease
- Malnutrition (phytates present prevent absorption of protein, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc)
Timothy David Noakes (born 1949) is an A-rated South African professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Cape Town. He has run more than 70 marathons and ultramarathons, and is the author of several books on exercise and diet.
Products that are well labelled |
More educated consumers, As consumers learn more about nutrition and adopt more nuanced diets, they are more interested in foods with labels indicating lower sodium, low fat, natural sugars, GMO-free and organic.
Liquid mageu is produced by fermenting the maize, which destroys the nutrients and causes the product to be less stable than instant mageu. Liquid mageu is also double the price of most powder-based products, notwithstanding the fact that it needs refrigeration during its three-and-a-half-month shelf life
Multivitamin Maize based products |