Beverage & Packaging Sealings - 12'th Edition: Sensitive Beverages.

Beverage & Packaging Sealings - 12'th Edition: Sensitive Beverages.

As we touched upon in last edition, Sensitive Beverages are those beverages which are vulnerable to microbial degradation. Now the questions arises- what makes them sensitive(i.e. susceptible to microbial degradation)? And the answer lies here below:?

There are 2 main culprits that are responsible for degradation of a sensitive beverage:

1.????? Oxygen: presence of oxygen in beverages leads to it’s oxidation and consequentially to it’s degradation. Hence it is important:

??????????????????????????????? I.??????????? To eliminate the dissolved oxygen from the beverage product before to filling it into the container.

????????????????????????????? II.??????????? To eliminate any subsequent Oxygen ingress into the beverage package during filling and capping process.

??????????????????????????? III.??????????? To stop atmospheric oxygen’s permeation into packed product after filling and capping.

2.????? Micro-Organism: micro-organism present in? beverage (bacteria, yeasts, fungal spores) results in;

??????????????????????????????? I.??????????? Breakdown of natural flavouring compounds present in beverage.

????????????????????????????? II.??????????? Creating new compounds. In both cases the result is loss of flavor/ off-taste/ off-color, undesirable fermentation….?

Factors that determines the sensitivity of beverages: There are 3 main factors that determine any beverage’s susceptibility to microbial degradation:?

1.????? pH level/value of the beverage: If we look at this term “pH” from abbreviation point of view, then it stands for “potential of Hydrogen or simply Hydrogen potential”. From definition point of view, it is defined as “concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution(beverage) ranging from 10 to the power 0 to 10 to the power -14 grams equivalent per litre”. For simplicity, pH scale consists of markings from 1 (representing a concentration of H+ ion as 10 to the power 0) to 14 (representing a concentration of H+ ion as 10 to the power -14).?

If we move to physical significance of this term “pH”, then we can say that it is a quantitative measurement of acidity or basicity of a solution (beverages for our purposes), on a scale with markings from 0 to 14. Mean value “7” on this scale represents a neutral beverage (neither acidic nor basic). Any thing less than 7 is acidic, whereas a value more than 7 implies a basic solution. Typical pH values of beverages are given below:

·?????? Water – Close to 7(6.5 to 8).

·?????? Milk / tea with milk – more than 4.5

·?????? Iced Tea – 3.5

·?????? Orange Juice – 4.0

·?????? Apple Juice – 3.0

·?????? CSD (Carbonated Soft Drinks) – 2.5

Pathogenic micro-organism like salmonella (that poses risk to the health and life) can’t ??thrive in Acidic solutions(Beverages having a pH value of less than 4.5 like iced tea, juices & CSD). However, these beverages of less than 4.5 pH value, do provide a favorable condition for non-pathogenic bacteria like molds & fungi/yeasts. Please note that non-pathogenic bacteria don’t pose any risk to health and life; but certainly spoils the beverages due to fermentation hence adversely effecting the taste, texture, flavor & color(turbidity) of beverages.?

On the other hand slightly acidic to neutral beverages (having pH value more than 4.5 like milk products) are able to support very harmful bacteria (pathogenic and toxin-forming bacteria that threats health and human life).??????

2.????? Carbonation Level or CO2 contents: Most of molds and fungi/yeasts require Oxygen to thrive. Having Carbon-Di-Oxide dissolved into beverages, greatly reduces the amount of oxygen. Hence the risk of microbiological degradation reduces with increasing level of CO2.

3.????? Certain nutrients present in Beverages also provides an environment for bacteria proliferation. Hence the beverages with added nutrients may support bacterial growth and hence the sensitivity of the beverage.


Term “Sensitive Beverages” is coming from the fact that these beverages are very sensitive to microbial degradation; hence they require exceptionally extra care to be taken during filling/packaging, compared to normal beverages. Traditionally some preservatives have been added during filling, to these beverages to decontaminate and control the bacterial growth.

Although modern preservatives are very efficient and quite safe for human consumption; however, they loose the perception battle against something labelled as “free from preservatives”. As per law, any preservative used must be declared on the package, and this lead to change consumer’s perception adversely (if not completely) against beverage products filled with preservatives. Of course modern day preservatives are harmless, but consumers (if given a choice) tend to buy a product which is preservative free.?

Hence the demand is increasingly tilting towards more “Natural” or “Preservative-Free” beverage products. And this necessitated more complex filling processes of “Hot-Fill” & “Cold Aseptic Filling”.


To recap what said above; sensitive beverages can be filled/ packed in following 3 ways:?

1.????? Adding a preservative to the beverage, at either ambient or lower temperatures upto 70 degrees C(with certain amount of preservatives still present).

2.????? HOT-FILLING (HF): Filling the product at a high temperatures in the range of 85 – 95 degrees C; and tilting the bottles to ensure that all parts/areas of package has been sterilized by high temperature & then capping the product at the same temperature. In this way, we kill all harmful micro-organism by heat(high temperature). This process is called Hot Fill. So?in hot filling, the liquid is injected into a large Tank and then heated to a high temperature for a short amount of time to sterilize the product. The liquid is then filled at a high temperature to sterilize the interior contents of the primary packaging. Now a days Hot Filling is quite common for PET bottles, but can also be used in glass bottles and cans. . At the best of my knowledge hot fill can be applied to high acidic beverages (pH<4.5).

3.????? COLD ASEPTIC FILLING (CAF): Filling the product at Ambient temperature, BUT IN COMMERCIALLY STERILIZED ENVIRONMENT. In this way, we are first creating an environment which is free from harmful bacterial contamination. Then we are bringing sterilized product as well as sterilized packaging materials (bottles and closures), in to this sterilized chamber/environment to fill and cap the bottle. In the aseptic process, we fill the sterile product into already sterilized package in a sterile environment, and then hermetically seals the package. Aseptic filling is appropriate for all acid products (though lower the acidity level, more challenging is the process and the aseptic conditions required), and the products may last for a very long self-life. Aseptic Filling works well for dairy and beverages in glass, aluminum, or PET.

As you can see in above explanation; in Hot-Fill process, the focus is on killing the harmful bacteria first before to filling/capping. Whereas in Cold Aseptic Filling the focus is to eliminate the presence of bacteria altogether, by creating a hygienic conditions/sterilized and bringing separately sterilized product & packing materials into it.


An important difference between Hot-Fill & Cold Aseptic Filling processes, worth mentioning is the fact that the 3 important product quality parameters(taste; flavor/aroma & nutrients) are somehow dependent on the heat treatment (temperature used in filling process & duration for which beverage is kept at that high temperature). In Hot-Fill process (due to high temperatures for longer duration), these 3 beverage qualities may be effected somewhat (if not so drastically).Whereas at low temperatures of Cold Aseptic Filling, these 3 qualities remains intact.?

Another difference between Hot-Fill & Cold Aseptic Filling (from the Total Cost of Ownership point of view) is : Initial investment is more in Cold Aseptic filling lines, whereas Running cost (more power consumption due to high temperature) is more for Hot Fill lines.

Best wishes sir for success in your endeavours, may God help you



