In Between?Extremes
Thomas Despin
Reconnect - Private Island Resort. I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands in Indonesia & help expats to relocate. Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — [email protected]
You’re neither the best, or the worst,
The smartest or the dumbest,
The richest, or the poorest,
The most beautiful, or the ugliest,
The happiest, or the most depressed.
You, and everybody else, are somewhere, in between extremes, and never exactly average.
And it’s how things should be.
Extremes, regardless how socially validated, are rarely sane or healthy.
Extremes are like obsessions and addictions, they should always be avoided.
Addiction to fitness is worse than having an average body.
Addiction to money is worse than being broke.
Addiction to success is worse than living an average life.
But nobody would admit it.
Because they buy into the narrative that fitness, success and money are good regardless.
It’s easy to forget that the journey matters a ton more than the destination.
It’s only when getting there, after wasting our whole life on it, that we realize how empty we still are.
Wisdom is somewhere in between.
Between being too broke to feed yourself and being addicted to making money,
Between being too fat to stay healthy and being addicted to the gym,
Between failing at everything, and being obsessed with being the best at everything.
Wisdom is in the measure.
Extremes, regardless on which side of the spectrum, are always dangerous.