Betting on AI to Benefit Businesses
With the right AI technology, your business takes advantage of the opportunity to save time and money. I believe that optimizing and automating routine processes with AI boosts efficiency and allows you to make data-driven decisions. Long story short, here is how we help our clients achieve their business goals using image recognition AI technology.
Pilot - first!
Since the beginning of 2018, we at Inspector Cloud have launched over 50 pilot projects, and I’m proud to say that 10 of them turned into commercial projects. Testing is an integral part of any successful plan, but prior to that, we need to calculate the financial indicators along with other important aspects.
Let them manage
Based on our experience, clients prefer to be in control and personally deal with everything related to users and fieldwork management. This is the best way to keep track of what is going on in your company, solve issues as they appear, and speed up the workflow by shortening the communication chain. On the other hand, aspects such as training neural networks remain our responsibility, as it requires a certain level of expertise and technical knowledge.
Cloud or On-device AI?
As of now, we are implementing projects in two formats: cloud-based, which works via the Internet, and on-device recognition, which allows you to use mobile or Wi-Fi Internet to recognize photos. On-device AI is run on a smartphone or a tablet. Its best feature is a significant reduction in the recognition and response time. Compared to a cloud-based system with a recognition time of 1-2 minutes, on-device recognition manages to cut the process time down to 3-5 seconds. On the other hand, cloud-based AI provides more accurate models than those hosted on mobile platforms. However, cloud-based AI requires a reliable network connection.
What else are we doing to improve our clients’ experience?
In 2021, we are working on improving service and letting our clients enjoy more independence. Many processes require automation, and this year we are focusing specifically on optimizing the workflow and reducing the proportion of "manual controls".
This year, the implementation of on-device recognition is our center of attention. In 2020, we received additional funding to roll out on-device recognition. This solution will allow our clients and their end-users to recognize items within seconds instead of minutes. On top of that, merchandisers and sales reps will benefit from the opportunity to use the application even when their internet connection lets them down.