BetterCells: Better health in the palm of your hands
BetterCells - an online system with an app that allows you to assess your individual healthcare needs.

BetterCells: Better health in the palm of your hands

Ancient Greek physician and the ‘Father of Modern Medicine’, Hippocrates, famously declared ‘let thy food be thy medicine’. It is becoming increasingly evident that we have lost our way with the modern western diet. It is failing to provide us with the nutrients needed for good health and increasing numbers of people are turning to dietary supplements, especially in the Asia Pacific and Australian markets. There is broad move away from the ‘get sick before treatment’ attitude as individuals seek to manage their health and make a more conscious decision to what they are putting in their body. Nonetheless, the public still remains largely unaware of the opportunities that good nutrition can have for better overall health, and with so much nutritional information available it becomes difficult to understand what is suitable for your own body’s unique requirements. 

This demand for good nutritional advice from a reliable source is where BetterCells seeks to make a fundamental impact on wellness by designing a tailored “wellness” plan for the individual, by giving them access to information, professional advisors, testing labs, interpretive reports as well as suppliers of nutrients. 

When observing the relationship between good nutrition and better health, there is no one size fits all category as each of our bodies have a different genetic make-up, and what works for one person may not necessarily have the same benefits for somebody else. BetterCells addresses this issue by delivering a uniquely personal approach that empowers individuals to take control of their own health and reduce their risk of developing chronic illnesses in the future.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with service, BetterCells is a secure cloud-based system with app-based support as well as a traditional web browser that collects as much data is reasonably possible through available testing, allowing individuals to manage and improve their health from their fingertips. BetterCells simplifies the advanced scientific knowledge that supports Nutrigenomics, helping individuals interpret the data collected by the individual to provide a one-stop shop for personalised wellness solutions. 

Nutrigenomics studies the relationship between nutrition and genes, analysing how food affects and interacts with our genes. It is a relatively new area of scientific research that has recently seen a rapid expansion which contemporary practices are struggling to keep up with. BetterCells utilises this science through gathering an individual’s unique genetic information, resulting in a personalised wellness plan that provides solutions to improve overall health. 

This data-driven approach reduces the guesswork that individuals often undertake when self-diagnosing pre-existing medical conditions or when they are seeking to improve their diet. Consumers are presented with a comprehensive personalised guide, as well as access to online counsellors, to help them improve the nutritional operations of their body. 

BetterCells reduces time and cost for both health professionals and consumers alike; for health professionals, they can use the information gathered to create a strategy for their clients while for consumers they can use the personal data collected to manage their health at their convenience. Furthermore, through the consumer taking the initiative to manage their own health, BetterCells can also provide relief to healthcare systems across the globe that are already struggling with the demands of a rising ageing population and the increasing numbers of people suffering from chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. 

Our passion for healthcare and the scientific field of Nutrigenomics has driven us to produce this service that aims to be pivotal in the way we understand nutrition, leading towards levels of health that have not been achieved before. Whether you are an athlete, suffering from a chronic illness or are simply health-conscious, BetterCells addresses the nutritional needs of the individual, giving them personal control of their health from the palm of their hands.

Please reach out to me for more information and stay tuned for our website launch!


