For a better working life
John Field
From Expert to Manager - Get the free workbook | Trainer | Coach | Mentor | UK | Engineer | Physicist | MBA | MBTI | Belbin | NLP | Positive Psychology |
Here are a few current musings from the world of RapportTech where we aim to help engineers, managers and leaders create better working lives in every sense.
First, a blatant plug - The re-jigged, newly revised and improved Engineer to Manager programme is now available for 2024 booking. More information here.
Lazy Infographics
Have you noticed that posting infographics seems to be the latest thing on LinkedIn? I'm not sure why and I love a good infographic as much as anyone. They create the illusion of simplifying or clarifying concepts and can be a thing of beauty. The trouble I have is that the more I see them posted on LinkedIn the more dubious value they seem to offer and some are just downright wrong.
Here's an example on feedback I noticed this week. Not the worst infographic I've seen but a clear example of what to watch out for.
I added the red line for dramatic effect.
The trouble is that each of the main 4 boxes has a problem with it. The first suggests colleagues should be able to read each other's minds. The second is a Coaching framework and not a feedback model - and certainly doesn't come from Max Landsberg (I know Max and he's just one of many people to have written about the GROW model). The team settings model reads like management jargon bingo and experienced management trainers will recognise the 4th box as the dreaded 'shit sandwich' which should be avoided at all costs as a model of feedback.
So my message here is beware the dodgy infographic. Many have obviously been thrown together by people who don't really know what they are talking about. They look pretty but many are rubbish and some are downright unhelpful. Worth double-checking before reposting or using.
Teenage Coach
The long story is that I first discovered the concept of coaching while volunteering as a teenager and it influenced how I think about language, appreciating difference, and the transformational power of curiosity. For the longer story see my article I wrote some time back and think about regularly. You'll find that here.
Top posts
Here's my recent top 3. Not necessarily the most popular but I hope some of the most useful. All these posts are available in the Engineer to Manager group and have usually been posted in other groups as well.
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