A Better Way of Living Every Day
Your Fast Track to a Happier, Healthier and More Fulfilling Way of Livinh

A Better Way of Living Every Day

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Finding the True Source of Your Happiness

Let’s start with an unusual question and touch on a potentially sensitive area. Are you ready? OK. Here’s the question:

“How happy are you at this precise moment?”


It’s an unusual question because it’s a subject that we rarely examine. We don’t spend much time considering how happy we are, do we? In fact, we tend to accept our feelings with a high degree of resignation, as if the way we feel at any particular moment is somehow inevitable. So, let’s ask another question: did you hesitate before answering? Did you have to think about your answer?

I know. Most of us have to pause and think about how we’re feeling before we can give a clear answer. And, to make matters more complicated, it’s a surprisingly tricky subject to look at with any degree of objectivity. But, if you're harbouring any lingering suspicions that your life could be better, happier or more fulfilling, you’re probably holding onto feelings that are not conducive to your personal sense of happiness and fulfilment.

However, if you’d like to introduce greater feelings of happiness in your life, where can you go to increase your personal quota of joy? In the quest for personal happiness, there might be one place that you overlooked in your quest for fulfilment. Can you guess where it might be?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.?

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you’re busily looking around and scanning the horizon for clues, the answer cannot be found outside of you. On the contrary, the answer lies within you.

One of the great keys to personal growth, success and an abiding sense of fulfilment is your willingness to accept yourself as you are. Are you surprised? Were you expecting some magical formula that reveals the best techniques for building a better business? Or perhaps a new mantra to recite when the inevitable challenges block your progress? No. The answer is revealed in all its magnificent glory in how you’ve learned to feel about yourself. Because the way you see yourself becomes the lens through which you see and experience everything in the world around you.

There are enormous ramifications from this simple observation because the principle of complete self-acceptance is the foundation on which a deeply satisfying life is built.

When we judge ourselves harshly and when we constantly search for evidence of our faults and imperfections, we inevitably project those judgements onto the people and circumstances that surround us. When we harbour doubts about our worthiness to enjoy a happy and successful life, we inevitably find ways to sabotage the opportunities that come our way.

When we do not believe that we deserve to have loving, caring relationships, we inevitably find ways to cause conflict and inflict pain on the people who extend their love towards us. We’re never going to find the right partners to share our hopes and dreams, our love and our aspirations, if we don’t believe in our hearts that we unconditionally deserve to have a happy and fulfilling life.

So, if you’ve woken up to the fact that certain parts of your life aren’t working, the chances are surprisingly high that the underlying problem is to be found in the depths of your attitude – towards yourself.

Becoming acquainted with yourself is a price well worth paying for the love that will really address your needs.

- Daphne Rose Kingma

Even though no one is remotely perfect, if we really seek to grow beyond our limitations and improve the quality of our lives, we need to start from the position of self-acceptance. Why? Because it removes a great deal of the internal resistance that often blocks our efforts at personal progress. We all need to grow and develop ourselves beyond our present limitations but self-acceptance is the best place to start the process. It’s very helpful to acknowledge the reality of our faults and weaknesses. There’s no point in denying the areas where we need to devote the requisite effort and self-discipline to improve our behaviour. It’s just a whole lot easier when you begin from the benevolent starting point of accepting who you are right now.

As you learn to see yourself in a new and more positive light, as you begin to appreciate how good it feels to accept yourself, as you develop a profound belief in your capacity to love and be loved, your life will change in ways that are hard to imagine.

Everything begins from this internal foundation. Make a declaration right now to accept yourself completely and welcome your power to create the kind of life that best reflects your potential for self-fulfillment.

My willingness to be intimate with my own deep feelings creates the space for intimacy with another.

-      Shakti Gawain

When you learn to accept yourself and free yourself from the constant strain of adversely judging yourself, you’ll free yourself from the corrosive habit of judging others. You’re more likely to recognise that you really deserve to experience happiness and success in your life and that’s a wonderful way to introduce meaningful, positive changes into every aspect of your life.

Our mission and our daily motivation at The Wellness Foundation is to help you achieve your goals, fulfil your dreams and help you realise your ambitions.

I’d like to suggest that you choose this perfect moment to feel the power of complete self-acceptance. Practise the feeling throughout the day. Engage your most positive thoughts and feelings. Notice how your new experience of self-acceptance flows out into every situation you encounter.

In the meantime, please feel free to share this post. Encourage all of your family, your friends, colleagues and acquaintances to harness their deeper potential for a better and more successful way of experiencing and enjoying the gift of this life to the max.

It’s our intention to be a positive force for change in the world. Let’s help everyone to rise above their limitations and enjoy greater levels of freedom, happiness, inner calm and success in all areas of their lives.

Together, we really can make the world a better place.


Do you need a helping hand? These are difficult and uncertain times for everyone but we don't need to face our problems alone. A helping hand and an experienced, professional guide to help you navigate life's rocky pathways can make the world of difference to your journey. We've been helping people to deal with life's difficulties for more than twenty years. Perhaps it's time to get the kind of support that could make a real difference to your life.

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These are difficult and uncertain times for everyone but we don't need to face our problems alone. A helping hand and an experienced, professional guide to help you navigate life's rocky pathways can make the world of difference to your journey. We've been helping people to deal with life's difficulties for more than twenty years. Perhaps it's time for you to get the kind of support that could make a real difference to your life.

You can contact us directly to work through our Cognitive Behavioural Empowerment Programmes on a one-to-one basis or - if you prefer - the Wellbeing Foundation Courses for Personal Growth and Transformation are now available for you in a super online format. It really couldn’t be easier to access our resources. It’s like having Greg alongside you in the comfort of your own home. And the Courses have been designed to help you work through the material at your own pace and at your own convenience. We’re here to help you:

  • Master Your Stress
  • Turn Up Your Energy and Turn Down Your Anxiety
  • Discover How to Tap into Your Creativity
  • Sleep Better and Discover How it Feels to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
  • Break Free from the Past
  • Create a Brighter, happier, Healthier and More Rewarding Future for Yourself

You can contact Greg and his Team directly and explore our online courses and material via our website at:


Come and join us today and discover fresh, new ways to experience your life on a whole new level of personal happiness, enjoyment, success and fulfilment.

We’re here to help you make a positive difference to your life!

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And if you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, either in person or via the Internet, please feel free to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.


Greg Parry created The Wellness Foundation and the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential. If you're looking for a helping hand and specialised guidance, feel free to get in touch with us today. We'd love to hear from you.





