A Better Understanding


By: Elizabeth Cowan


In many ways, it makes sense to have pets.

This lady must admit that the enthusiasm with which so many people embraced pet ownership seemed simple—and, to be honest, not for her.

Animals require so little from us. Feed them, water them, give them shelter, and enjoy their companionship. In return, animals, usually pets, give us their unconditional love.

When we consider those facts, their needs are so different and more straightforward from the demands of humans.

Even the least problematic among us can unleash drama and pain on everyone around us. Usually, the reasons for the disquieting behavior of humans are the desire for attention and getting their way about one thing or another.

When it comes down to the basics, people either choose to be toddlers who throw temper tantrums or clear-thinking people who try to see the big picture. The former are difficult to deal with. However, as you know, tantrums are exhausting.

It is such boring behavior to those on the sidelines watching the antics. We have seen the movie all too often and did not enjoy it.

Most people fall on both ends of the spectrum. On the one hand, there are selfish narcissists who feel they are owed. Often, they cannot articulate what being owed entails. They want everything their way, and other people’s needs are unimportant to them.

Unfortunately, the number of people on this end is growing. We cannot pinpoint why that is. We note that egocentrism appears to be an easier path to follow than unselfishness.

Not surprisingly, the other end is crowded as well. However, this end is not without its self-interested folks either. But for the most part, compassion for others is still alive and well.

Of course, balance, or at least a semblance of balance, sometimes resides in the middle.

Perhaps this concept can also be an analogy for this or any country worldwide. Power tends to gravitate to the far reaches of countries such as ours. People interested in power and financial strength congregate on the East and West coasts. These are the places people gravitate to who do not have the best interests of the general populous.

Those who disagree to varying degrees gravitate inward. Consequently, the middle seems to contain the sanest among us. As with any generalization, this is not a constant or a balanced truth.

It is not a perfect picture. But you get the idea.

Overall, animals are much simpler than humans. However, they are almost as entertaining as people. Another plus is that they do not talk back.

The land around his lady’s home abounds in not only domesticated ungulates (cows) but also avian denizens, not to mention cute and furry critters such as rabbits and squirrels—an endless source of simple entertainment.

We mentioned that animals do not talk back, but they do vocalize displeasure and other feelings throughout the day and into the night. This lady is often lulled to sleep by the braying of donkeys and mooing of the herd.

All of the aforementioned tend to be benign. So, naturally and for the sake of balance, we also have coyotes, feral hogs, and countless other creatures that do not fall into the cute category, such as skunks, buzzards, snakes, and creepy crawlies like spiders.

Ultimately, humans are inclined to feast on our positive energy and the very oxygen we breathe. Even those that fall in the middle mentioned above can be a handful.

Yet, animals can be just as demanding and needy as humans. Neglect is not an option or recommended for either group.

After considering the potential for entertainment, viewing the world from a distance is still more appealing than wading into the morass of bipedal and supposedly rational creatures.

Consequently, this lady still feels the simple pursuits of a hermit’s life outweigh the furry companionship some four-legged creatures might provide.




Check out “Fractured Proverbs and Twisted Thoughts.”






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