The Better Together Approach Feb. 2024 Issue

The Better Together Approach Feb. 2024 Issue

Consider this a "Linkedin Tips" issue.

1) Back up your records - both LinkedIn Level 1 contacts and important content with Google Sheets. If you download your LinkedIn CSV records on a monthly basis and look them over, you may discover, as I did, some Level 1 connections are either missing or added that should not have been added.?

What should you do to solve that problem? I recommend you contact LinkedIn Chat, as opposed to the Linkedin Help Desk. Why? Its response time is faster than the LinkedIn Help Desk. However, for best results with LinkedIn Chat, follow these instructions:

a) Contact LinkedIn Chat on Monday or Tuesday around noon Central Time. This time period is the fastest turnaround time.??

b) Copy your message in advance so you can easily post it in the chat, as Linkedin Chat is a timed service and you do not want to be "timed out."

c) If your problem concerns your LinkedIn CSV Download, you are going to end up reporting the problem to this web address:

d) I recommend you back-up your LinkedIn newsletter and/or create the draft using Google Docs.

The Linkedin TOS (Terms of Service) vs. Your Goals

It is always best to abide by the LinkedIn Terms of Service. The problem is you may not always understand it or know that something has changed. For that reason, I recommend contacting LinkedIn Chat in the manner recommended above with your questions.

Google Sheets - not just a great back-up resource - but a great alphabetizer.

You probably already know that LinkedIn has set 30,000 Level 1 connections as the ceiling limit for Level 1 connections. But, that is just if you want all those connections listed in your CSV file. Actually, you can have as many Level 1 connections as you want, provided you place all of them in a Google Sheet. You start by porting them over from the LinkedIn CSV file at the end of every month. Using the Google Sheet, you can easily sort those records alphabetically using a Google Sheet. But, that is not all. You can use the merge duplicate feature of Google Sheets to easily add future monthly LinkedIn CSV files to your initial Google Sheet for this all-important record.

While it's fine to have set a goal to get to 30,000 Level 1 connections or even go beyond 30,000 using Google Sheets, is it really worth the effort?

Consider the lesson provided by Dr. Robin Dunbar of "Dunbar's Number" fame.

Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships - relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person. It is based upon two major factors: 1) the size of the human brain, 2) the fact there are only 24 hours in any one day.

Therefore, the idea it is beneficial to have thousands, if not millions, of Level 1 connections working as a solo entrepreneur is false. Dr. Robin Dunbar recommends between 150 and 250 people. You simply do not have time for more people if you are working alone.

Finding New Level 1 LinkedIn Connections

What is the best place on Linkedin to find folks who want to become your next Level 1 connection - even though you may currently be total strangers? I recommend joining LinkedIn Groups. Believe it or not, you can join up to 100 different groups. To join that many groups may take considerable time. Therefore, I don't recommend waiting until you reach 100 LinkedIn Groups to use this resource.? Make use of it as soon as you add your first LinkedIn Group. (I am in 94 different groups and that appears to be more than I can handle.)

What makes LinkedIn Groups so ideal for growing one's Linkedin Network is that you can create an invite request giving two reasons a total stranger should connect with you at Level 1. First, because you are both members of the same LinkedIn Group and second, because you are both Level 2 connections and obviously know some of the same people.

Here is an example of a Linkedin Invite Request I have used for my own LinkedIn Group: "Hi (First Name),

"I noticed you are a part of The Better Together Approach LinkedIn Group that I am also a member of as well. I thought it may make sense for us to connect. "Thanks!"

Now, I want to point out that I made a single Google Sheet of all my LinkedIn Groups with a similar message which filled up a single row of the spreadsheet.. Very easy to copy/paste.

Making the most of the LinkedIn Invite Limitation Restriction

I am told that every person with a LinkedIn account - be it free or fee-based (premium) gets restricted.? No one can send out invitations without being restricted at some point for a six-day period.? So, what are your options for continuing to build your network if you can no longer send invitations?? Answer - a lot.? Instead of focusing on individual people - focus upon “communities of people” - like LinkedIn Groups via My Network.? Most LinkedIn Groups actually give you a variety of options to do this - including polls, public posts, ask questions and write articles.

Now, all this content is not only going to be shared with your Level 1 connections, it will be found posted in LinkedIn Notifications.? This has the potential of bringing your post to the attention of people you don't even know - people who may choose to COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE and REPOST your information.??

LinkedIn has always said its greatest strength lies at the “second degree of separation.”? What does that even mean?? I think it means it is not just what you bring to LinkedIn promoting yourself, but what other people bring to LinkedIn spreading your value to the marketplace and you likewise bring to Linkedin spreading their value.? Therefore, it makes perfect sense to “think T.E.A.M.? (Together Everyone Achieves More).”? After all, isn’t it always more productive to organize your business life whereby other people are “waving your flag” than to spend time waving it yourself?

Now, go make the week productive by design. That includes COMMENT, LIKE, SHARING and REPOSTING through LinkedIn Notifications - especially if you are experiencing Linkedin's 6-day invite restriction.



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