A Better Path To Pleasure
All we really want is pleasure. And it's our ego constantly demanding more and greater pleasure. We're willing to go to great lengths to upgrade our level of pleasure, such as putting off momentary pleasures to reach certain goals: studies for a certain career, diet and exercising, training for the Olympics, pregnancy - we're willing to curb our pleasures for a certain amount of time in order to get greater pleasure later on. Our whole life is about making these calculations.
So yes, I know it's annoying that I'm always talking about the human ego. But there is only X amount of pleasure we can each get from our own ego. What I want you to understand from this post is that you can get to that pleasure you seek, but in a more advanced way. You'll get the pleasure but you'll also feel more fulfilled. There's a trick to this.
Here's The Trick
We all know that everything really only happens inside us. Over the last few decades we've each been digging around inside our ego to discover new sources of pleasure. That is a limited source of pleasure because it's all about us. The better path to pleasure is discovering new sources of pleasure beyond our ego. Now let me be very frank here. My ego is really only interested in its own pleasure - that's a fact. But we can override that "flaw" we have, with the promise of greater pleasure. So here's the thing. We can't really connect our egos in a genuine way because each of us is only interested in him/herself. But what we can do is learn to connect beyond the ego.
It's Only A Mathematical Calculation
So right now our level of pleasure is our ego. If we want to get more pleasure, we need to learn how to leverage the space between us. Meaning, the space beyond my ego, PLUS the space beyond someone else's ego, PLUS the space beyond someone else's ego ... this new pleasure point that we're not aware of yet is a source of unlimited pleasure. We just need to learn how to activate it.
How To Recharge From Now On
Everyone's going on vacation to disconnect and recharge. I get the need to relax and spend quality time with the family, etc. So you may come back relaxed and happy - but a vacation is not necessarily the place to recharge. Getting new fuel into our system is not something that will happen when we're doing all the standard things we do for pleasure - swimming, surfing, restaurants, dancing, etc. All those things are great and good for our wellbeing - but it's the standard fuel. We're at a point in our lives where we're ready for a more powerful source of fuel.
How To Get The New Fuel
So why are so many things happening in our world? It's because nature wants us to learn to switch from the old fuel to the new fuel. On the new path where we create an area for integrating with others, we'll constantly discover new desires, new goals, and a new us. We'll be part of something bigger than ourselves, where each of us is constantly in a state of renewal. This is how human development will actually happen from now on.
This is why we often get the sense that we're disconnected - we feel pretty helpless and useless in those situations. We feel like we have no life, no future, we have nothing, and maybe we'd be better off dying. We'd even agree to it on the spot if it was really possible to close our eyes and stop the process, but it's not. We're in this, so we may as well learn to get the maximum pleasure out of it. From now on we need to be a lot more concerned with how to access this new source of fuel, rather than doing all the old things that are no longer filling us like they used to.