On exploring better impact

On exploring better impact

My mission at KLINGEReyes is to "explore adapted organisational capability with better impact" following my own North Star vision to "(re)empower human beings being (a bit more) human along smarter technology".

This passionate quest of mine is a natural direction for me leveraging all my combined strengths. This will keep me going until I kick the bucket. For me, it augments my own human virtues, facing external and complex uncertainties. I guides me as an explorer to make sense of what cannot be explained (yet) or what is not logic, a system failure, to connect the dots between data, stories, people and what they do, or more likely, fail to do.

The global productivity gap is huge considering the abundance of skills available

Better. A bit more. Smarter. They are all relatives to something, a baseline, a point of departure. They are not superlatives but represent the trajectory in your selected space towards something that is better than yesterday. More of. Less of, Not smartest but smarter. More human. Not ubermensch. Better, not best.

A little better than yesterday is a habit that scales over time, equalling doing more with same.

Avoiding bad is a cost efficiency game with diminishing returns. Still it's how most companies are run. You need to understand your baseline. You need to make decisons. The value from the closed productivity gap also represents the cost of not doing. One forgotten business case is alawyas the cost of delayed decisions, timely.

Not making a decison is also a decision. Proactive will always beat reactive and passive. It comes with a risk of uncertainty. But how big?

Organisational capability

This can be described as the means by which any organization use its people and other resources (smarter technology, AI) to respond to changes in the business environment and deliver value to its customers and stakeholders (the impacted ones). The total value should also be considere a shared value.

  • Capability to do something = skills X mandate X resources X fit attitude. Do the math!
  • Add clarity on why, where. Clarity today is low. Multiply with Capability! Schocked yet?
  • Most organisations today are still top centric with low psychological safety, fit late 1900s

Better impact

Better impact today more or less means a win-win-win solution, pne of at least one Nash equlibrium, as opposed to a zero sum game like the cost of an unpaid workforce or a destructive enviroment in order to make money. Better money. Not more money only. Or whatever currency of impact you measure.

Better than what = better than yesterday.

Avoiding bad / doing bad is a no effort leading to becoming better. It is easy to control. Hence why leaders love that. Not being bad any more. Stay compliant.

Doing good is an effort. Doing better means better than yesterday. Doing good costs but has a bigger payoff with higer engagement, innovation and retention across the value system.

We can all be winners by being better than yesterday. It is a big difference in being a competent selfgoing contributor vs being excellent / highly skilled. By being excellent you also inspire progress teaching by doing, raising the bar. Being competent you maintain status quo. In the search of greatness you can't study the average. If may be normal but is it seldom good.

What is the impact from being excellent instead of competant in your system?

It is easier to inspire progress by being excellent on TikTok when snowboarding, cake making, bass slapping than being a good employee in an office, in a job of yours the kids don't understand. You can always demonstrate good behavior, showing up, listening, asking, caring, being positive. It costs nothing. You get oxytocin reward. You will feel better and more human.

Social and environmental initatives and their reporting seem to focus on avoiding bad. It is the easy and evident stuff. That's far from all. It is a cost avoidance stuff. You should not do bad. How hard can it be to not be bad? No effort, really. Don't do it should all be yesterdays' story.

Doing better and doing good has to do with mitigated risks and leveraged opportunities related to the environment OR the the ecosystem workforce value system. That is harder. That may take some effort. Remove friction to release value. Add friction to prevent bad.

Impact comes in many shapes

Emotional and rational. AI and technology is likely rational (numbers). Humans are likely emotional (stories but they also come in numbers who have opions. Opinions equals numbers. On or off. A lot or little.)

The relative improvement comes down to habits. To demonstrate better habit you need to understand where you are starting from. You need to navigate your progress. You need an emotional baseline or point of departure. In space, in the fog, under water, you need something to related to. Where I was before. "I have no clue" is a great baseline. No shame. Tomorrow you know more. Start somewhere! Own your journey!

To navigate

  • To navigate in stable environments is easy. Take the bus from a to b. It will cost you x.
  • To navigate in complicated territorities buy a map, a compass or a PM who's done it before.
  • To navigate complexity get an explorer+ a curious, creative, compassionate, courageous team
  • To react to chaos call 911, Ghostbusters, the Army, pray to your God, follow risk processes!

Hope and optimism matters

The future will happen wether you like or not. We can influence the data leading to probable but not yet predictable outcomes in complex systems by how we react, talk and contain fear. We need to talk to each other, we need to listen make new explanatory models as we learn more from probing, making sense and responding.

Most managers in the world hate 1:1 conversations. Not good. Not inspiring.

People wants simple solutions. The most adaptable prevail.

There are no simple solutions in complex systems. Long term can nit be predictede. The world of 2024 is increasingly complex on many levels. Organisations are complex. You my fellow human being, like I, have dreams, traumas, expectations, beliefs, anxiety, limitations etc. We are complex as individuals, as teams and as organisation. We are actually more complex than the weather.

With low self awareness comes limited system awareness.

We can't read each others mind. I don't know what you really want/can do in our system unless you tell me. You won't tell me unless I ask assuming you also trust me to answer. But you - as an individual, team, organisation, can't answer my question even if you trust me if you have low self awareness as individuals or interdependent teams.

It comes down to what you / we all believe is important and why and our daily habits to achieve that. Once you align your habits for that shared purpose that will guide you, doing what you are good at as a team. You will be ready to have meaningful conversations around relevant topics in the land and of complexity and hence do better impact. Maybe. You also need luck. Remember. Complexity is also random game.


If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change!

Welcome to Complexistan! Let's explore it together and do better impact than yesterday!

Sven Hultin

.- executive / organisational coach - impact advisoy - entrepreneur


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