It is better to have arguments at the start of a project than to end one because of them.
Let's be honest, we'd rather say "I don't know if it's going to work out... but I'll do my best to come to your baby's 2nd birthday party" than simply decline the invitation with a "thank you very much for the invitation, but I won't come".
I know, just reading it already gives that impression of "gee, but that would be really rude, to say to someone's face that you are not going" and then, we rather feed the illusion that in fact we will make all that effort to go, when we know in advance that we do not even think that we will be there.
That's right, said like this, it sounds very strange, but it is part of our culture, simply because we always try to avoid conflict.
We say "I can do it", "I'll see if I can make it" instead of simply saying a clear no, it's not possible, no, I won't do it.
And if acting like this even works in our interpersonal relationships, it is for each of us to reflect on it, but in a project, I assure you, it is the road to disaster.
If we don't discuss in the beginning, before starting the project, if we don't state our opinion sincerely and respectfully, surely as the project progresses and those uncomfortable topics become more and more present, the simple lack of those discussions in the beginning will lead to arguments, which can throw everything down the drain.
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