Fasan Paul
Instrumentation Technician, Safety Officer, PD Meter Metering Technician, Barton Chat Recorder Technician, Relief Valve Technician
I Went on top of the Hills in search of a greener pasture
I fed from hand to mouth
I gave in my best hoping that someday you will come but
my best was not good enough
I went from grace to grass when the going was tough
I became an object of redicule in a global village
I worked like an Elephant and ate like a Rat
I hope against hope for a better day to come
My enthusiasm and attitude towards life went down the
drain because you took longer than expected
Discrimination was the order of the day because of you
Better Days
What kept you so long did you forgot my residential address
Why did you turn my morning into night
Why did you gave people reasons to mock me
I almost lost confidence in myself until i woke up one glorious
and i saw the sun smiling at me and a still?small voice came
rushing like a mighty wind saying don’t give up yet
there are still?Better Days aheard and alot to achieve
so i pick up courage and said indeed there are
”Better Days” aheard