Better Data=Better Outcomes for same Medicaid/Medicare dollar being spent on testing

Better Data=Better Outcomes for same Medicaid/Medicare dollar being spent on testing

Our easy-to-read reports delineates prescribed Rx, the presence of non-reported medications (which often-time drives illicit use), patient’s historical reports at-a-glance.?Better Data=Better Outcomes for same Medicaid/Medicare dollar being spent on testing. We screen for over 116 analytes; 30 prescription medication & we have a validity panel that detects synthetic urine. We are the new gold standard in laboratory analytes and invite you to partner with us to improve patient care


Providers have several treatment options to manage patient pain. Each option has a different set of pros and cons. This complexity makes it no longer safe for providers to base medical decisions on subjective data; providers base treatment decisions on clinical data. Diagnostics test reports provide the data points needed to identify safe, effective treatment options through an easy to chart summary of the patient test results.

Easily monitor medications, manage medication levels, and understand potential drug interactions using cutting edge technology and revolutionary test reporting. Test reports – paired with clinical expertise – provide critical information about medication, substance use, and—when present—medication abuse.

  • Determine medication usage
  • Determine therapeutic levels
  • Determine recent and ongoing use of prescribed and non-prescribed medications, as well as illicit substances
  • Detect interaction with other medications used by the patient
  • Create care plans based on clinical data
  • Our medical training staff can help your staff understand how proper usage of urine toxicology testing can become a valuable tool for better patient care and risk mitigation.


Drug testing has become an integral part of drug treatment programs for patient monitoring and evaluation in substance treatment. Drug testing has become so common, the?Federal government has established testing guidelines for treatment programs that are licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Use test report data for the following:

  • Baseline data for admission and creation of the care plan
  • Information added to ASAM reports when establishing the need for care
  • Objective data to support Utilization reviews to demonstrate medication management and adherence to the treatment care plan
  • Data from the test can be used to objectively show compliance and medical necessity
  • Support for the patient assessment during evaluation of a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) diagnosis
  • Clinical Data to create baseline levels and ongoing data in care plans
  • A screen to prevent potential adverse effects of pharmacotherapy
  • A way to monitor the patient’s use of illicit substances or adherence to pharmacotherapy treatment for SUDs
  • A way to assess the efficacy of the treatment plan (i.e., level of care)
  • A way to clinically manage a patient during care
  • A tool for program Clinical Outcomes and/or Outcome management

Diagnostics urine toxicology testing may be used to document abstinence for legal matters, disability determinations, custody disputes, or reinstatement in certain professions (e.g., lawyers, healthcare providers, professional athletes, airline pilots).?


Urine toxicology testing is an important tool in evidence-based patient care. The types of clinical situations in which clinical drug testing can be used includes pain management with opioid medications, office-based opioid treatment, behavioral health when prescribing medications, such as anti-depressant therapy, and other situations when risk for substance use is present. Drug testing is used to monitor patients’ prescribed medications, as patients may under-report drug use to medical professionals, making some patients’ self-reports unreliable.

Urine Toxicology Testing:

  • Can affect clinical decisions about a patient’s substance use that affects other medical conditions
  • Increase or decrease medications based on clinical data, along with subjective self-reporting.
  • Prevents dangerous medication interactions during surgery or other medical procedures
  • Identifies women who are pregnant, or who want to become pregnant, and are using drugs for better patient care and practice liability protection can affect clinical decisions about pharmacotherapy, especially with controlled substances
  • Increased monitoring of prescribing habits is increasing, our clinical data allows providers to manage their patients based on data. Allowing providers to treat based on their individualized Care instead of fear of ‘overprescribing’.
  • Increases the safety of prescribing medications by identifying the potential for overdose or serious drug interactions
  • Helps the clinician assess the efficacy of the treatment plan and the current level of care for chronic pain management and substance use disorders (SUDs)
  • Helps clinicians assess patient use of anti-depressants or compliance with pharmacotherapy for psychiatric treatment
  • Verifies, contradicts, or adds to a patient’s self-report or family member’s report of substance use
  • Diagnostics are designed to present data in a way that decreased the confrontational side of Urine Toxicology Testing. Our reports allow providers to ask questions about data and treat according to their patient’s responses.


·????????Urine Toxicology Testing for patient care and liability protection has become a necessity for a baseline, as the incidents of babies born with drug addiction continue to increase. As Indiana’s attorney general, Greg Zoeller noted in an interview with the Indianapolis Star (9/25/13), the number of addicted babies has tripled in 10-years. This trend is prevalent nationwide.

·????????OBGYNs often require Urine Toxicology Testing during each patient’s first visit to offer better preconception care and counseling and to increase liability protection. Drug testing provides an opportunity to prevent damage to the woman and the fetus. During preconception counseling, women are advised about the risks of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use to the fetus.

·????????Urine Toxicology Testing and assessment of pregnant women can also identify a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) early enough for intervention in order to prevent, minimizing, or at the very least preparing for serious problems for the fetus or neonate. Drug testing can be used to monitor abstinence.


Many behavioral health medications have serious side effects and may be fatal when combined with some pain medications. Providers can no longer base medical decisions on subjective data. Providers need clinical data to mitigate the liability associated with prescribing psychiatric medications and to make treatment care plans based on therapeutic dosage. Diagnostics test reports provide the data points needed to identify safe, effective treatment options thru an easy to chart summary of the patient test results.

Easily monitor medications, manage medication levels, and understand potential drug interactions using cutting edge technology and revolutionary test result reports. Our test reports – paired with clinical expertise – provide critical information about medication, substance use, and at times medication abuse.

  • Determine medication usage
  • Determine therapeutic levels
  • Determine recent and ongoing use of prescribed and non-prescribed medications, as well as illicit substances
  • Detect interaction with other medications used by the patient
  • Create care plans based on clinical data

We teach how proper usage of urine toxicology testing can become a valuable tool for better patient care and risk mitigation.


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