Is it better to be called Complex or Complicated?
Ian Beckett
CSO Integrated Business Transformation | Customer-Centric Solutions | CXO | CEO | Business Mentor | Poet
Communication generally requires active listening to be effective - otherwise we simply talk at each other as evidenced by the increasing toxicity of the post election scramble in the USA.
Some years ago a good friend commented that I was "complicated" whereupon I set about trying to figure if it was a compliment or not. This resulted in a poem in which I guess aimed at concise interpretation.
From an ease of management perspective I have found thet the attractiveness of what a "complicated" person can provide is offset by generally their high maintenance. The long term value of a "complex" person being loyalty and innovation. I refined it down to the question does the person work primarily for themselves or for me and the team?
I see this happening in political sphere, in America, Donald Trump is complicated, working primarily for himself. Irrespective of whether your political persuasion is strongly Republican or Democrat, the democratic votes of the people were evenly split for down ticket Republican or Democratic candidates, but collectively partisan in selecting the more complex candidate that could bring together America again.
Extreme positions in politics or religion are the refuge of dictators and fundamental religious leaders - there are simply fewer choices they have to justify to their followers. The complicated leader is a "No" leader - no immigration, no socialism, no abortion, no family planning, no sex before marriage, no freedom.... a delightful simplicity.
Complexity is the normal order for the human condition. There is rarely the absolute of "No" or "Yes" in any situation but infinitely variations dependent on circumstances - basically all answers are "It depends".
This is inconvenient as uncertainty avoidance is also a human trait so the attractiveness of certainty and extremism in our leaders is obvious. Abdication of decision responsibility likewise makes for a peaceful nights sleep - until we discover the simplicity is a scam to have us follow sheep like into political or religious isolationism for the primary benefit of a self-centred leader.
My preference was and is to be "complex" even if it is harder to sleep at night. In an increasingly diverse and challenging world - I choose not to fall for the false simplicity offered by leaders who are working for themselves and not for me.