A Better, Brighter Tomorrow is up to us, all of us!
This marks the second year the United States recognizes June 19 as a federal holiday. Although this date honors a painful and unjust time in America’s past, I am encouraged to see how we are moving forward – destinations, communities and the business events industry are working to foster fellowship, inform about the past so that we all can enjoy a brighter future free from injustices.
The global business events industry continues to embrace and purposely evolve organizations and events to ensure events are inclusive, equitable and where everyone belongs. An industry where we foster conversation not confrontation. An industry where we create safe spaces for dialogue.
PCMA will continue to connect people with purpose to ideas and opportunities. We must continue our efforts to collectively work toward inclusion and equality. It will not be easy. It will at times be painful and uncomfortable, but it is right, and it is just.