Better Alignment for a Happier Life…
When we refer to better alignment, what’s the first thought that springs to your mind? Do you automatically think about your posture and how you sit or stand?? It’s a logical response to the subject and you know it’s always a good idea to make sure your spine is properly aligned for maximum comfort. But better alignment extends far beyond the considerations of your posture. It touches deeply on the way you think and feel and behave. Alignment is a fabulous principle for improving the quality of your life at every level. Let’s take a closer look.
When we harbour insecurities about our worthiness to enjoy a fulfilling life, we often sabotage our efforts to manifest our goals and make our dreams a reality.? That’s why we need to make sure that the way we think and the way we behave are fully congruent. How do we do it? Being aware of any discomfort you might experience when your words don’t match your thoughts is a good starting point. It doesn’t grant us a licence to blurt out whatever thoughts might be running riot through our stream of consciousness. It’s just a simple indicator that there’s a mismatch between your internal and external responses. This is where mindfulness can prove invaluable.
As we develop a calm awareness of how our thoughts and feelings are flowing, we can discard anything that doesn’t reflect our deeper values. It’s a deeply liberating exercise in self-awareness that creates space for a fresher and more appropriate set of responses. Each day, we learn how to bring our mental and emotional energy, our words and deeds, into closer alignment. It doesn’t mean we’re seeking perfection. We’re simply eliminating inconsistencies and the internal resistance that secretly sabotages our intentions for a happier and healthier way of living.
It’s a perfect example of the principle that everything’s connected. The way we think and the way we feel will impact on every other aspect of our lives. Aligning our mental and emotional energy with our goals is bound to help us to achieve whatever we wish to accomplish. Following the intuitive wisdom of our hearts can release enormous, unsuspected creative potential. When you align your beliefs with your actions, extraordinary results will follow.?