The Beta Syndrome
Aseem Kumar, Maithri Aquatech Private Limited

The Beta Syndrome

One could certainly discuss β in the context of sustainability but since I am not a techie by any measure, I am talking of the Son syndrome in our social settings with particular focus on India.

We know very well, yes-we do, that gender bias is a regressive and sinister phenomenon, still we find ourselves unable to destroy this evil in this modern digital era. We are trying to bring gender equality in practice for centuries now but data on gender equality particularly on women clearly shows that we are behind by hundreds of years.

We are extremely good at campaigning and advocacy, staging talk shows and workshops, statistics and metrices, strategizing and projecting but failure in execution/implementation on the ground. A sizeable number falls to greenwashing that is deemed imperative for image building. Compliance measures also force many companies to take action to qualify as an inclusive and thus progressive organization.

Coming back to the original Beta syndrome- let us ask ourselves honestly about the following:

  • Have you ever addressed your daughter as Beti ? We end up saying Beta instead.
  • While heaping praise on our daughters, why do we usually say- you actually are my Beta (son), with you my daughter doing so well I regret praying for a Beta all my life
  • Beta is always a reference point- tu te mera puttar hai

I could go on and on with such stereotyped deep-rooted nuances. These are clear signs of male dominance, although none is required by nature.

Women have been created by the Almighty as creators- even God could not be born on earth without a mother. Females by design, beyond any doubt, are far superior to the ultra hyped males. Sufficient history and facts are available to back this.

What then stops us from working with them together on even keel both at home and at work? What are we going to lose by giving them the respect that they deserve in roles including daughter, sister, wife, partner/companion, fellow at work, boss at work, subordinate at work etc. This is where the Beta syndrome comes into play.

Doting mothers over centuries have always given preferential treatment to sons and in the process have been ignoring the girls, denying them freedom of choice and opportunity. Son is an asset, Daughter is a liability. My 2 bit understanding is asset and liability can never be this categorical in real life. Both are assets and liabilities or could become more of assets/less of liability or vice versa anytime. Fathers have kept them under scrutiny in the garb of protection and security only to be married and sent to their Prince Charming. No room for intellect, education, sports, hobbies, self growth, exploring new horizons. Girls and Women irrespective of their financial backgrounds have always broken boundaries in all fields against all odds throughout the world inspiring millions to choose a road less traveled. There have been exceptional cases of males complementing and collaborating with women to offer the joint best to the world.

This toxic and extremely vicious mindset still rules most of us despite education, exposure and unprecedented achievements by girls and women in all the fields from under the water to space, mountains to forest, agriculture to industry and so on.

We had a maid at home a few months ago, who works exceptionally hard single handedly at diverse jobs- she drives an autorickshaw, works in a Montessori school, works in a couple of known houses. She is a single mother, husband having drank himself to death, with 2 daughters and a son. The catch is she has already put her girls to household and money earning jobs not allowing them to study and convincing them that they should together bring up the son with best facilities, food, clothing and education. We have tried talking to her but her face falls at the sheer mention of education for the girls and fed up with our ideas she stopped working for us. An abject failure to promote gender equality by us.

Another case is point is that of friends, a very wealthy and socially active business family who have actually made a name for themselves in CSR, Sustainability and Inclusion- empowering girls and women to work in the field in a highly competitive business. At home, however, their daughter a seasoned finance professional, CA/CS qualified, has been married with all kinds of dowry in cash and kind given gratefully and the service from being the girl's side continues month after month. We are dumbfounded!

Without generalizing and raising fingers against anyone, I humbly submit that each one of us introspects and changes his/her mindset, attitude and behavior before attempting to change others. Easy to say, extremely tough but not impossible to practice.

Education and Gender Literacy are powerful tools to dispel this darkness engulfing us.

The world can not become sustainable and worth living unless we break free of discriminations against humanity. Reimagining Water, Enabling Life


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